i'm dry...


Well-Known Member
yeah, i need to call this other guy i know, idk wtf i am thinking. the last two times i picked up off him i was payin like 5.5 per gram and id buy like halfs so i was payin like 75 for 14 grams but now the price is just fucking steep with this dude


Well-Known Member
what can i say, i like smokin bud, and if its all i can find, aand at the time i was, ill jump on it


Well-Known Member
My friend and I hung out tonight, she brought over a joint, and we watched the first two episodes of Weeds (first season) together. We got high, we had wine, 'twas fun. There's still have a joint left. Shall I smoke it, and make myself be dry again tomorrow?

YES! Seamaiden should smoke the other half a joint and be dry tomorrow, and be high tonight! :D


Well-Known Member
i havent smoked for 2 months!!! finally got half oz today, for free too :mrgreen:. hopefully that will last me till harvest time. bout to smoke and watch hancock!!!


the guy that works upstairs from me (in a mill) smoked me out today but i dont know. i've been smoken my stuff for so long now i forgot what regular weed was like. now i realize i like fresh stuff better. now i feel like a pot snob, but really i dont think i really got very high and i'm already straight again i vow to never run out of good bud again.every time i grow a little more i get a bigger appitite


Well-Known Member
haha im a pot snob but i can still smoke regular weed
but ill tell u if ur weed is good or not
my freind recently got ripped off
payed 150 for a oz of what some dude on the street told him was some baby dank (premature weed)
it was just some really good reggie
and he tryin to sell it to us at 15 a blunt hahahahahaha i smoke wit dis kid like everyday and hes tryna rip me off FUCK HIM


Well-Known Member
i grew some blueberry kush for my last grow and this kid said he would sell me some so i was like well i have the same shit i will see if it is the real shit like mine It wasnt, i was outraged...


Active Member
It's so horrible, I'm normally on the skag side of the line, fishing out crumbs from the keyboard!

Today I had to opposite problem, with a deadline.. Stress! Prolly better off without it! Atleast you've something to look forward to!


Well-Known Member
true. but i am not home i am on vacation at my sisters house she has 4 plants of her own. so therefore i ran out of pot.... because i brought a quad in my pants on the plane and threw the airport security to az :( no more pot )


Well-Known Member
NO! you're towel... :mrgreen:

btw... smoked almost everyday of the past week with friends, unfortunatly i'm ry again AND pretty much broke

About a month ago i got high everyday for 2 weeks straight with one of my friends. It was pretty fucking great, between us we had about 20 grams(give or take abit) so we smoked 3-5 bowls each a day and when we didn't have bud random people we met asked us to smoke with them. Was it ever great!:mrgreen:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i get high everyday (period) my bowl gets so dirty so fast its not even funny now we got a bong with a really deep bowl we been get ripped

but ya everyday!