I used the so-called Useless schedule.[1] It worked great. It's stronger than the typical half-strength people usually tell you to run, but didn't burn (much). Below are the details of the what the schedule produces. You can recreate those NPK ratios using any fertilizer products using
this spreadsheet.
FWIW: GH Flora 3-part is a hydro fertilizer. It's not ideal for soil. I
switched to Grow More Sea Grow and it's working as well (for 1/10th the cost). My schedule is a few posts further in that thread.
--------------- R A T I O S
-------- N-P-K ----------- K-Mg-Ca -------- PPM
week-1 1.32-1.00-2.41 -- 6.76-1.00-2.15 --- 418
week-2 1.85-1.00-3.06 -- 8.08-1.00-2.82 --- 721
week-3 2.06-1.00-3.31 -- 8.54-1.00-3.07 --- 830 [2]
week-1 1.00-1.29-1.88 -- 4.54-1.00-1.77 --- 1020
week-2 1.00-1.47-1.70 -- 3.75-1.00-1.90 --- 1065
week-3 1.00-1.52-1.71 -- 3.65-1.00-1.88 --- 1218
week-4 1.00-1.72-1.87 -- 3.53-1.00-1.66 --- 1334
week-5 1.00-2.21-2.25 -- 3.33-1.00-1.31 --- 1395 [3]
week-6 1.00-2.70-2.36 -- 2.91-1.00-1.23 --- 1421
week-7 1.00-3.16-2.72 -- 2.88-1.00-1.05 --- 1384
That's the results using the unmodified schedule. However, I added GH liquid Koolbloom (LKB) during flower, and powdered Koolbloom (PKB) the final week (prior to 10-20 days of water only). The following is how it turned out:
week-2 1.00-1.92-2.16 -- 4.75-1.00-1.90 -- 1275 [4]
week-3 1.00-2.12-2.31 -- 4.95-1.00-1.88 -- 1534 [5]
week-4 1.00-2.53-2.68 -- 5.07-1.00-1.66 -- 1755 [6]
week-5 1.00-4.09-3.34 -- 5.07-1.00-1.22 -- 1165 [7]
[1] Useless schedule:
[2] Repeat until bloom.
[3] Cut dose in half if using bloom booster.
[4] 2ml/gal LKB
[5] 3ml/gal LKB
[6] 4ml/gal LKB
[7] Cut base nutes in half, as described in the Useless schedule. Use 1.25g/gal PKB.