Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS


Well-Known Member
@MightyMike530 , that's the one!

You can see my confusion. The Mike. And the other M's in there. hahah

I thought Pie's avatar was a cartoon mouse with a cape, give me a break. Attention to detail isn't always my strongest trait.


Well-Known Member
Oh Yessie, you are a rare and wonderful one. Last night when I heard the news I exclaimed "boobies". My wife asked "which boobies" and I told her. A moment or two went by and she asked "you're not putting pictures of your dick online are you?". I said no, but that Pinworm had invited us all to do just that. "Tell @Pinworm 'no'!"

Goodness knows her boobies are running around online (though almost always pastied). I'll see if I can get her to donate some boobies for your amazing thread. They would be from her burlesque shows so I have to be a bit careful about making sure that they can't be traced back.

Hooray for boobies! Hooray for @Yessica... , hooray for @Flaming Pie , hooray for @Pinworm . I love all of you!


Well-Known Member
Oh Yessie, you are a rare and wonderful one. Last night when I heard the news I exclaimed "boobies". My wife asked "which boobies" and I told her. A moment or two went by and she asked "you're not putting pictures of your dick online are you?". I said no, but that Pinworm had invited us all to do just that. "Tell @Pinworm 'no'!"

Goodness knows her boobies are running around online (though almost always pastied). I'll see if I can get her to donate some boobies for your amazing thread. They would be from her burlesque shows so I have to be a bit careful about making sure that they can't be traced back.

Hooray for boobies! Hooray for @Yessica... , hooray for @Flaming Pie , hooray for @Pinworm . I love all of you!
You can put man-chest up too.

Just doesn't get the same reaction as ladi boob though.

Thank you for thinking of donating to the cause.

If we put our minds to it, no boob will be left unseen...


Well-Known Member
You can put man-chest up too.

Just doesn't get the same reaction as ladi boob though.

Thank you for thinking of donating to the cause.

If we put our minds to it, no boob will be left unseen...
My chest is so white. And red. Plus I have gotten furry. My wife loves to take pictures of me holding the baby (we both seem really happy watching our spouse hold our baby) and they make me cringe every time I see them. Plus there's that vestigial nipple... I don't know. I would put the baby's chest up if it didn't sort of creep me out. That's a different thread. But he is so damn cute. Eh, I am rambling now. Thanks Obama.


Well-Known Member
Ok, @Yessica... , I have been wondering if it was me that you were referring to making "poop" posts? I have only poop posted twice. Please tell me it isn't me.
hahaha, I wasn't referring to anyone in particular. It's the risk we all take talking in publics like this...

My chest is so white. And red. Plus I have gotten furry. My wife loves to take pictures of me holding the baby (we both seem really happy watching our spouse hold our baby) and they make me cringe every time I see them. Plus there's that vestigial nipple... I don't know. I would put the baby's chest up if it didn't sort of creep me out. That's a different thread. But he is so damn cute. Eh, I am rambling now. Thanks Obama.
Yeah, lets leave bb chests out of this thread. I'm sure it's very cute - but it would feel creepy.