Weight scale


Active Member
I'm looking to buy a highly accurate digital scale. I've seen digital scales at staples but there's no way of telling how accurate they are. Is there a difference between a 20$ scale and a 50$ scale or are they all pretty accurate? I'd like to get away without spending more than 40$ if possible but I want a scale that will measure into the lbs without being even a gram off. Are there specific brand names of scales that are top notch or brand names to avoid at all costs?

Nor-Cal Cuttings

Well-Known Member
I'm looking to buy a highly accurate digital scale. I've seen digital scales at staples but there's no way of telling how accurate they are. Is there a difference between a 20$ scale and a 50$ scale or are they all pretty accurate? I'd like to get away without spending more than 40$ if possible but I want a scale that will measure into the lbs without being even a gram off. Are there specific brand names of scales that are top notch or brand names to avoid at all costs?
I got one on amizon for $5 that works just as good as my $50 scale jus looks cheaper lol hard to say man to each his own


Active Member
This one looks incredibly gangsta, op.

My father uses one like this, it doesn't look like a scale unless it's opeNed up.
Ya it does look nice, where could I go in Toronto to buy one? I know they can be bought online but I'd prefer to pick it up tomorrow if I could.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where you could find them in your area. It won't be hard to track one down.

sorry, I don't own one myself.


Active Member
Dawg, you are weighing out ganja, not blow. 1g off on a lb is nothing to worry about.
Ya, I decided to just get a scale from staples. Damn thing still costed me 40$ cuz they didn't have any that would weigh grams under that price. Ah well, it works for what I need it for.