The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
it was alongside the big blue pit and as a result was over 3ft from the light, to get it closer i put it on a 20l pot upside down and it was level with the pit, same with the cheese.
as a result the plant was using more water and dried out faster, within 3 days she had begun to wilt ( only slightly but it was made worse by the fact it was balanced on top of something) when it went top heavy it basically took a tumble. i also need to redistribute the power usage because the electrics are utter bollocks in the house, the lights have been off the last two times i have been there so gonna go and get some extension leads and run my 4 way connector into 2 separate ones on the downstairs ring.

i should be halfway to swansea now ffs, instead i'm gonna go help me mate get set up before the match. need to hit b+q first though
well hope you get it all sorted mate


Well-Known Member
What a fucking nob ..... just been watering and was trying to drop ph ... bit of ph down ... still same ... bit more ph down .... nothing .....

Checked the bottle of ph down .... fucking pk 13/14 lmao .... twat
I was feeding the other day, I use a 20l jar, ph was high, after a load of ph down it still wasn't changing so thought something's wrong here. The jar wasn't even full enough for the pen to touch the water ffs lol


Well-Known Member
I use a little rhizotonic for ph up n feed for down,rarely use ph up n down
i shouldn't have to use anything any more myself, i've got multiple bottles of stuff that brings it up n down, it's a cunt to handle that stuff.

robbie i usually find the pk takes the ph up if anything, no wonder your head was done in lol

lovely day lads, got my shorts on and everything, races are on by us and everyone is scared to go out the house cause it is bedlam when they let out, it's eerily quiet at the moment.


Well-Known Member
i shouldn't have to use anything any more myself, i've got multiple bottles of stuff that brings it up n down, it's a cunt to handle that stuff.

robbie i usually find the pk takes the ph up if anything, no wonder your head was done in lol

lovely day lads, got my shorts on and everything, races are on by us and everyone is scared to go out the house cause it is bedlam when they let out, it's eerily quiet at the moment.
Oh I've ph up n down but prefer a little rhizotonic but if needs be i add my ph down or up but with rhizotonic not had the need


Well-Known Member
liquid silicone is better than rhizo for ph up fyi a bit too powerful and i think rhizo might be organic too so probs better using that