black strap molasses?


I feed and water three plants and I found that a five gallon bucket of water is just right for that. Today I started using it but was unsure how much to use. is four teaspoons to much for five gallons?


Well-Known Member
Molasses is only useful for feeding the soil microbes. You don't need much. I use about 1/8 to 1/4 tsp/gal throughout the grow.


I have seen on this site about the simple sugars in molasses that the plant can use during late flower to boost bud production


Well-Known Member
I have seen on this site about the simple sugars in molasses that the plant can use during late flower to boost bud production
Maybe by feeding the micro herd which gives optimal nutrient uptake. I fact many organic growers reduce if not cu out molasses altogether during later flowing. The mg can caus a harsh tasting flower. Btw I use to be on the camp of useing it late flower to "boost and sweeten" buds.


Well-Known Member
I have seen on this site about the simple sugars in molasses that the plant can use during late flower to boost bud production
Try the following and form your own conclusion:

- 1tbsp/gal molasses in the last two weeks of flower.
- 1/8-1/4tsp/gal through the veg and flower, just to feed the soil microbes.
- No molasses.

You can do that to individual plants in one grow, or do it on different grows.

From what I can tell, plants to uptake carbs nor sugar. The plant generates those internally and secrets them through the roots to drive the rhizosphere's contribution to nutrient availability. By supplying some carb/sugar to the soil it helps do the plants job, perhaps allowing the plant to use that energy for other purposes?

You won't know for sure unless you try it yourself. You'll get a variety of conflicting opinions here.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
At the level of 4tsp per 5 gallons.....You will have no problems....
Molasses is an OLD school trick......It has it's place, and at times I still add a bit......I prefer AACT teas and Molasses plays a major role in making that. It feeds the bio's and adds some Mg, K and S to the game......It might say unsulfured,,,,,but it still has some in play, just not much ..

As far as Mg leaving a "taste" in weed...sigh, the myths that abound around here....LOL,,,,,cure it better and it won't

Mg and S play an important role IN tric production and THC concentrations.