where to buy 190 proof everclear online

Haha yeah you and me both. I've had to place standing orders with friends and relatives in Az and NV , looking forward to the next visit for sure. I'd be worried about cheap knock off alcohol being sent from a site like that.
It's illegal to buy in California any alcohol past 151.

That being said, go to wine chatteu website, they ship to California!! (Or did the last time I got some!) I'm in SJ, can.
Burbank area, not far from south bay hydroponics... the guy was at 680 &101 interchange, stopped traffic on 280 for 5 hours or so until they talked him down. What part of this loud, dirty , pot hole riddled expensive ass city we call home are you in? Thanks for posting the link btw , I saw that site before. Looks way legit but I had no idea they would send the good stuff out here. May place a small order myself and see what happens.
Burbank area, not far from south bay hydroponics... the guy was at 680 &101 interchange, stopped traffic on 280 for 5 hours or so until they talked him down. What part of this loud, dirty , pot hole riddled expensive ass city we call home are you in? Thanks for posting the link btw , I saw that site before. Looks way legit but I had no idea they would send the good stuff out here. May place a small order myself and see what happens.

Ahhh Damn I remember that! I'm in south san Jose, near Almaden and such. Oakridge mall. In n out burger ;-) lol
He'll yeah my brother I used to stay on Playa del Rey back on 99-01, BEFORE the feds and DEA cleaned it up. Fun times back then lol. Perhaps someday we can hit Cahalan park and twist one up
Dude I will definitely pm you in a couple weeks, we just had another baby so as soon as he's a bit more settled I can come out for a visit. Maybe we can trade buds and ideas for a while :)
just a lil fyi the wine chateau does not ship to cali. most every 190 proof alcohol I either in store only or not available for sale.. I live on the east coast and can't get anymore. I placed a order in jan. and that was the last time it was in stock. even 190 proof vodka is in short supply. BUT you can get 99% alcohol delivered to you for $4-8 a pint. makes the same product and doesn't have a corn taste.. cheaper and won't give you a hangover.lol
That's a nice source above.
Rather pricey unless your buying in bulk
A lot of the mail order absolute or 95% et that you can buy online has denatured ingredients added so you don't drink it. Read labels carefully

I don't know but it may be easier and more cost-effective to get 3A molecular sieve and dry your 151 that you get locally. Sieves can be dried and re used.
That's a lot of water though in 150 proof.
Anhydrous epsom salts will dry your 151 to about 95% if that's all you need. Takes a lot of salt and it's a lot of work. You would have to dry the salt for several hours in a oven or pay a lot more and get already dried salts