First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
no probs mate i been in my asda n bought a few thing myself bud so might aswell share the info:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey UK, was that you repped me there man? If so many thanks ;) Tried to rep you for your help but I need to start spreading some around as usual :o Will get you later ...


Well-Known Member
hi gb tell ya where ya might get some cheap nutes the old pound shops seen some rose nutes with the right npk might be worth a look


Well-Known Member
Many thanks bob, now that you mention it I think I remember UK got a load of nutes in the pound shop some time back - must try and figure out where there is one near here (I really must try to get out of my back garden more often).

And many thanks for the rep bob, it's very much appreciated. As with UK I tried to rep you for your excellent encouraging remarks, but I haven't spread enough around since last time LOL. Naughty me ... will get you later ;)


Well-Known Member
lol you remember my pound shop spendin spree lmao yea mate i got fukn shit loadza stuff was worth it... i bought so much i did get the right ratios:mrgreen: n i still got it all its lasted ages will be on my 5th grow before it runs out... all my stuff must of cost like 11 squid n i dont need half of it!!


Well-Known Member
LOL - yeah I think you must have bought their entire stock UK. I remember now - the pic of all the bottles lined up in your grow room LOLOL. Glad you got the right ratio in there somewhere - you deserved it LOL.


Well-Known Member
oh yea the rep lol thought i better give ya some man cause you been away so long all us newb tread starters turned 420 time... so thought id help ya catch up man:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, appreciate your thoughtfulness. My posts are building nicely again but my activity level stinks. A few sleepless nights ahead no doubt and then I'll be back in business LOL.


Well-Known Member
How's it going greenb
Good to have you back
How's the grow going? Got any juicy shots for us?

I'm gonna give the 12/12 shed method a try this week.
How long do you guys reckon I'll have to do this method until I can leave them outside 24hrs and them not going back to veg stage???

I put some new pics up yesterday
Check em out


Well-Known Member
wasn't able to get to the pics yet.. sorry, been super busy! will do asap!
No rush loaded, I'm not going anywhere ;)

How's it going greenb. Good to have you back. How's the grow going? Got any juicy shots for us?
Hi Staro, thanks for the welcome back. The pics are on page 29 if you want to see them. Also have an update on my Purple Powers here


Well-Known Member
Failte GreenB...There're damn good lookin plants....:weed:Damn good journal too. Im not too far away from ye here in the South & have 3 nice Greenhouse AMS plants on the go...Worrying like fuck with this weather. Keep up the goodness.


Well-Known Member
good point man do you have a greenhouse green??
cause if ya do you could have plants growing in the winter..
i know a few people now who have done 12/12 from seed n the plants look really good!! just not as tall as urs

n i know what you're thinkin...winter growing my ass lol
but it can be done the guy i buy all my lights off does it!!
i admit hes abit crazy but he has some nice ass weed all the time:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Failte GreenB...There're damn good lookin plants....:weed:Damn good journal too. Im not too far away from ye here in the South & have 3 nice Greenhouse AMS plants on the go...Worrying like fuck with this weather. Keep up the goodness.
Hi pinkfloydy, nice to see you and thanks for the kind comments. Strange cause I was just doing a search for other people who might be growing in Ireland. The weather is indeed crap - it's been raining here for like two days and my Cinammons are completely water-logged. Was going to start feeding them flowering nutes today but didn't even bother going out to buy any as there's no point.

I'm usually worried about "something" to do with my grow LOL - today it's getting mould on my buds if this rain carries on through flowering. Some strains can cope (hopefully my Purple Powers will be OK) but apparently most strains get mouldy buds if it's too wet. SHIT!! Maybe I should stop reading as stuff like this just gets on my nerves LOL.


Well-Known Member
good point man do you have a greenhouse green??
cause if ya do you could have plants growing in the winter.. i know a few people now who have done 12/12 from seed n the plants look really good!! just not as tall as urs. n i know what you're thinkin...winter growing my ass lol
but it can be done the guy i buy all my lights off does it!! i admit hes abit crazy but he has some nice ass weed all the time:blsmoke:
Hi UK - if I had a greenhouse I'd be growing all year and WOULD have been for years, believe me. I'd love one but they're too damn expensive. If I ever get any money I might try and pick up a second hand one or something. Good thinking there btw - thanks mate, you're always coming up with great ideas ;)


Well-Known Member
Worrying is an understatement with this weather, i've been up the walls & even thought of driving home on lunch from work (25mls) to shelter em from rain in a small greenhouse......:confused:

Currently on 1st grow so not expecting much though....ive had everything going wrong ..... Leaf Curl(up,down,in & out)~ nute burn~heat stress~overwatering~underwatering & wind damage. Bet you feel better now. Jeez, whats next Hermie Syndrome........Shit maybe i shouldn't have said that LOL.

Alas you're doing well....very well indeed:mrgreen:

Best of Luck.


Well-Known Member
Worrying is an understatement with this weather, i've been up the walls & even thought of driving home on lunch from work (25mls) to shelter em from rain in a small greenhouse......:confused: Currently on 1st grow so not expecting much though....ive had everything going wrong ..... Leaf Curl(up,down,in & out) nute burn heat stress overwatering underwatering & wind damage. Bet you feel better now. Jeez, whats next Hermie Syndrome........Shit maybe i shouldn't have said that LOL. Alas you're doing well....very well indeed:mrgreen: Best of Luck.
Sounds like you've been through the ropes there pinkfloydy. I've had a few minor issues along the same lines but nothing I should complain about. I've been pretty fortunate so far. Don't mention hermies LOL - mine are all feminized and apparently that can be a real issue :o

I'm like you mate, getting up in the middle of the night and all cause I hear the rain and running out to the garden trying to get them under cover. But they're too big to do much with now so they're on their own on that front. Unless I use the garage of course but I don't have adequate light in there and I'm flat broke.

I wish you all the best for the remainder of your grow pinkfloydy. Stay in touch though and maybe post a pic or two. I'm very interested in how you get on. Good Luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi all, OK this might seem a bit radical but I'm going to do it anyway, for various reasons (don't worry, I haven't gone mad and decided to chop my plants down or anything like that). First of all I realise the forum is a bit dead at the moment, but my Purple Power grow journal isn't getting any attention (apart from trusty UKCyrus that is - thanks UK). Secondly I know how difficult it is to keep up with everyones' journals, keep your own threads going and deal with the everyday rigours of "normal" life. And lastly I can't be bothered keeping two grow journals going at the same time anyway. So I've decided to bring my Purps in here - hope that's OK with all of you. For those who may not have seen my Purple Power journal I'll give a brief summary of what they are and throw in a few pics of their journey so far. From the sales pitch:

Purple Power

Flowering period: 6- 7 weeks
Yield: Fast, maximum harvest outdoors
Harvest: Half End September (Holland)

Type: 90% Sativa
Stability: 40%
NOT recommended for indoor growing.

For purple & lavender !

A very popular early and fast flowering variety for outdoor growing. Buds become purple to lavender-blue. Flowering starts mid-July to the beginning of August in Holland.

So yet another crazy attempt to grow Sativa outside in the UK. The seeds were produced by (again they are feminized seeds), and supplied by You may also be interested in this qoute from the website:

"Our outdoor strains are specially developed for countries with a colder and short summer, like Holland."

These are weird LOL. They didn't get a lot of sun for about three or four weeks, just LOTS of rain. This really stunted them. All the leaves were at the top four inches of the plants, and although the top fan leaves spread their wings pretty well, that was about it as regards foliage. That was until a few weeks ago when the weather started to improve and they started getting about four to six hours of sunshine per day. Suddenly, like in the space of a week and a half, they virtually tripled in height and the side branches started to appear.

As a result they look very odd LOL - really stretched out with not a lot of foliage under their hats. Having said that the stems are really thick and they're healthy looking, so I'm now reasonably hopeful of getting at least something to smoke from these girls (confirmed).

Pic 1: 5 days.

Pic 2: 19 days.

Pic 3: Beside the Cinammons at about five weeks. You can see how barren they are on the foliage front.

Pic 4: About seven weeks. At last some sun -they have started to grow and the foliage is starting to fill in.

Pic 5:
One of my night-time specials, age eight weeks.

Pic 6: Taken yesterday, age about nine weeks. The three tall ones are 57 inches. At last they are starting to look like something, just not sure what LOL.

Pic 7: Finally getting some shelter from the elements behind their Cinnamon cousins.

So I hope this was a sensible move. From now on I will update both the Cinammons and Purple Powers here, and just forget about the other journal. I think it will work better all round. Thanks for looking. All comments, criticisers and scoffers welcome :lol:
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