hi everybody

Hi im from the uk and just registered, as im gettin pissed off with uk420.com and the general fuckwittery of the mods and owner.

Really not in the mood to defend my methods/madness anymore.

For what its worth ive never had a problem with anyone directly, just peeved about the blatant bullying and inner circle shit.And no to any members of that site im not giving out my name on that forum (so dont ask)

So thats my rant out of the way.......

Hi, hello, how are you?


Well-Known Member
Hi im from the uk and just registered, as im gettin pissed off with uk420.com and the general fuckwittery of the mods and owner.

Really not in the mood to defend my methods/madness anymore.

For what its worth ive never had a problem with anyone directly, just peeved about the blatant bullying and inner circle shit.And no to any members of that site im not giving out my name on that forum (so dont ask)

So thats my rant out of the way.......

Hi, hello, how are you?
I know exactly what you mean!! Ive been growing for 6 years and was a big advocate on a different growing forum for the past 5 years until I experienced power hungry moderators being ridiculous about every little thing... and teaming up and bullying others trying to learn..The list goes on, but with that said, I'm glad it happened because I woulda never came across RollItUP! Im sure we would love to see the methods to your madness! I for one will be intrigued by any long term growers as no one can learn enough, and everyone has their own outside the box thinking. If no one ever tried anything new, then we'd still be growing with CFL's and miracle gro.. Anyways, WELCOME! You've come to the right place!

hi, this is a predominantly gay guys marijuana growing website I hope you aren't homophobic, welcome!