• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Police beatings are not Racial


Well-Known Member
Yes I agree with you, I don't agree with a ton of laws, I mean a ton and I break them all the time I just think we need some type of law to keep most people doing their best to stay out of jail and and keeps things some what decent. All though true criminals don't care and do whatever anyway.
Cops are no better , they do what they want no matter weather its right or wrong with no thought of the true intent of their state laws , & we pay their sorry asses to twist the laws where their the gestapo , cops dont sound too different than your definition of a criminal .

Laws are not the issue or the intent of this discussion , ofcourse we need laws its the proper enforcement of the law that is in question .
That is one of the most poignant and moving posts that I have yet read here on RIU.
Well done, Good Sir!

What is most interesting to me is that although we are similar in age, my experience with Johnny Law is almost the polar opposite of yours.
I have never been arrested.
The only time I ever had a police gun in my face was for a good reason;
I lived in a condo in which one of the residents shot his wife in the chest with a .357, she survived to crawl out to the lobby of the building. Upon seeing her I ran up to my fifth floor condo to call 911 (1980's b4 cellphones), when I ran back downstairs there was a cop with a gun pointing at my face...he thought that I could have been the perp at the time. This was understandable, he did not shoot me! And amazingly the poor woman survived her injury. Her husband subsequently shot himself in the head...fatal!

I had a ponytail for most of the 1970's...my interaction with cops never amounted to anything.
I have been growing weed since about 1970...never a run in with the local Gestapo.

However, my views regarding the scumbag, jackbooted thugs we refer to as the Police are strikingly similar to yours. Go figure!
Im glad you mentioned the 70's period , America is brainwashed where the 1960's were supposed to be this magic era in American history when in reality it was an era of extreme police misconduct .

I grew up in a predominantly black area of Detroit known as the Cass ave Corridor, my dad bought his 1st home there because it was beautiful & cheaper than white areas ,durring the riots in the 60's i was at ground zero everyday & saw police beat protesters half to death , i saw people get attacked by 120 lb german Sheppards that do 3x the damage as a pit bull , i saw cops tear gas anybody & everybody , i was maybe 12 yrs old so i didnt get the beatings but i did get sprayed with a water cannon where the pressure was so high it feels like boiling water , the 60's for me was a time where i started hating police .

Then the 70's came & change was happening everywhere including my neighborhood, police were acting nice twords black & white people , even hippys like you & me , i had not had a haircut since i was 10 so my hair was waist length & nobody cared , i got caught with drugs & just had to pour them on the ground , one time i was busted right after scoring a large supply where i had an oz of prerolled $1 joints , a full sheet of blotter acid & a log of opium , enough to get me 20 yrs nowdays but i just had to give it to the cops & they let me go , i had cops help me change a tire in the 70's & i cant remember ever showing ID to a cop , i really thought change & equality was happening in the 70's & would get better as time went by , i was horribly wrong .

My 1st real bust was for Manufacturing a controled substance ( growing mj ) where i did 2 yrs , when i came out cops had adapted a new approach where everybody was ID'd & searched , pulled over without cause & you went to jail for anything no matter how small , the progress leo made in the 70's was replaced with agressive public interaction .

My 2nd felony conviction & prison sentence was for Attempted Murder & i got a 15 to life sentence, the appellate court overturned my conviction & found me guilty of Strong Arm Robbery & i did 2.5 yrs on that , even though my violent crime was to beat the hell outta the guy who mugged my wife & me at gunpoint i couldnt get the sentence reduced further or expunged from my record because i took his gun & robbed him after beating him down .

When i got out the 2nd time i found cops called the Big 4 who were just looking for an excuse to fuck you up , they used my convictions as the reason to pull us over in the incident involving my wife & mother where i was stomped so bad they broke bones & got resisting arrest charge that nearly violated my parole & woulda sent me back to prison .

Since i took that muggers 25 cal when i thrashed him my origional conviction included firearms charges that got thrown out , that matters not to police , once charged it follows you the rest of your life , now when cops read my plates it comes back as Violent offender , possibly armed , approach with extreme caution , thats the excuse they need to draw weapons at every confrontation , its also their excuse for use of force in restraining me , if i get pulled over for a broken tail light its at gunpoint where im held until the back up arrives , then its out of the car & on my belly then a cop gives me the knee to the back even though i or my wife ends up pleading with them that my backs been broken & has steel rods in it , no matter i still get the hard take down .

Then im " Detained for the cops saftey " until they run my name thru the national database where i come up as a known associate of organized crime because my brother belongs to the Outlaws Mc , this gives reason for my wife to be detained & her & the car searched as well , most times i wait an hour or longer while the drug dog goes over the car , then i get a fix it ticket & get released .

My wife has a Concealed weapon permit & they use it as a reason to pull us over as well , their excuse is to make sure she isnt violating the law where i have no access to her weapons .

Ive been pulled over before at our place in Bloomfield Hills as i was pulling in my driveway while riding my Panhead , reason given was an ID check to make sure i lived at the property , deciphered as wtf is a piece of shit like me doing in a neighborhood with multi million dollar homes , we have an automatic gate at the driveway where a garage door opener opens the gate , as they drove on my property the gate started closing automatically & damaged their car , the cops used that as a reason to charge me with Fleeing & eluding Arrest & Willful destruction of state property , the real ball breaker was they also charged me with attempted assault on a police officer cause the iron gate could of hurt them , needless to say i was arrested & my bike impounded even though they never hit their lights initiating a traffic stop & is how i beat the charges .

That episode cost me thousands in legal fees & another 3 grand having our front gate rebuilt , all over me looking out of place .

The whole point of my post was to comment on your remark about how you looked in the 70's , which imo was the best time in America for police interaction with the pubilc & to point out the reasons why we are targeted by police so heavily , i have not commited a felony in nearly 40 yrs yet they still use my past as a reason to profile me & their dept heads allways back their decision.

I wish these kids here had a chance to interact with a neighborhood foot patrol cop from 1975 , they'd shit at how friendly they were & where they'd stop just to chat & be friendly , they dont know there was something better yrs back so most just accept what we know have for police , then anoint blame on me for having felony convictions or a brother in a bike club , the citizen must have done something wrong is the attitude most have & it makes me sad .


Well-Known Member
I have been arrested twice for something I was innocent of.

The first time I was like well there's no evidence and the guy is lying. So I went to court with no lawyer. The prosecutor told me since the other guy come and filed charges first that I was guilty. I told him he had his head up his ass.

I went and saw a lawyer and paid him 2500 bucks. Went to court the next date and charges dropped.

The second time I was not so lucky. I ended up with some stolen property. I didnt know. The sheriff's deputy that filed the report was friends with the owner and lied on the report and charged it as a class b felony.

I spent 37 days in jail and a lot of money on that one. I even ended up moving after getting it dropped because the deputy and his buddies wouldn't leave me alone.


Well-Known Member
Coming from the tough guy talking shit over a computer lol. Keep your incompetent responses to yourself. everything you've said so far has been a waste of time and space. What's going on in that little brain of yours anyway, besides how cool you feel about being a complete moron. You must be bored as hell to just comment on shit about absolutely nothing. I know you want to argue but I'm done talking to someone who acts like a 5 year old and can't say anything more than a unrelated dis with nothing backing it up. Talk all the shit you want it's only cause no one can do anything about it "tough guy". You must get picked on everyday in school. How sad. I'll be waiting for the next one sentence message you post about absolutely nothing but I'm not responding to a child anymore. so go ahead have the last word if it makes you feel better, something has to make you feel good about yourself
don't have a fucking meltdown, socko.


Well-Known Member
Oh and more whites are killed than blacks by cops do some research more then double. Sorry to burst your bubble
more than double, eh?

shocking, considering whites outnumber blacks by about 5x.

you're not even a good sock puppet, you're just another obviously racist retard who struck out his last time around.


Well-Known Member
The whole point of my post was to comment on your remark about how you looked in the 70's , which imo was the best time in America for police interaction with the pubilc & to point out the reasons why we are targeted by police so heavily , i have not commited a felony in nearly 40 yrs yet they still use my past as a reason to profile me & their dept heads allways back their decision.
Wow, just wow, what a great post reflecting your experience with your local police.
So sad and tragic.

This brings to mind my experience with an officer around 1974.
I was driving home from work one late afternoon. I had been gifted a bottle of Tanqueray gin as a tip from a happy customer. I was liberally nipping at the nice green bottle.
I lighted up a fine joint of some Columbian Gold when I saw the flashing lights behind me...oh no, I thought! My buzz was quite pronounced! What a calamity! Yikes!.
Well the polite officer inquired as to how far I had to go to get home, checked my licence and registration and insurance, wished me a good night and off I went buzzing like an electric razor.
Those were the days my friend!


Well-Known Member
So because I'm alive America is safe? Is that really your standard? I've been to Mexico and guess what? There were people in Mexico that were alive, so Mexico would have to be considered safe as well. I assume they're alive overseas as well. Safer than Mexico doesn't mean safe, it just means safer than Mexico.

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Nowhere is safe. That is the meaning of Islamic Jihad.


Well-Known Member
Obviously your standard is nothing but perfect if you don't feel safe here where would you feel safer, and have the same freedom? No where. And if there was you would still be the victim and you would complain about thier rules too, sorry your life is so rough. Oh and more whites are killed than blacks by cops do some research more then double. Sorry to burst your bubble
Blacks kill each other at an enormous rate, far beyond police getting them or the white community killing whites.


Well-Known Member
Blacks kill each other at an enormous rate, far beyond police getting them or the white community killing whites.
And what in the fuck does that have to do with this particular discussion? Or did you just feel the need to spew random shit?

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Well-Known Member
i've been pulled out of the car at the point of about 5 9mm guns, never said word one to any of the lovely peace officers, was cuffed, thrown on the ground, then kicked in the head and body by one of them..
On foot, I was able to outrun 3 cops. The woods are your friend, especially at night when you know where the ditches and fences are and they don't. Outran a motorcycle cop on a mini-bike, too. Even went back and called him an ambulance on his radio.


Well-Known Member
On foot, I was able to outrun 3 cops. The woods are your friend, especially at night when you know where the ditches and fences are and they don't. Outran a motorcycle cop on a mini-bike, too. Even went back and called him an ambulance on his radio.


Well-Known Member
Im retired now but one coworker used to raid my lunch box daily , his wife would send him shit like frozen pork chops & powdered milk for lunch while my wife packed a cooler full of good shit .

Fukin video makes ya wanna puke , im sick to death of the bastards .
Someone was stealing lunches on a daily basis where I once worked. A co-worker made some ex-lax brownies for him. Poor fucker went running up the aisle with shit running out his pant leg. I caught him eating out of the garbage can once, too.


Well-Known Member
Someone was stealing lunches on a daily basis where I once worked. A co-worker made some ex-lax brownies for him. Poor fucker went running up the aisle with shit running out his pant leg. I caught him eating out of the garbage can once, too.
Fucking priceless!!

Sent from my XT1254 using Rollitup mobile app


King Tut
Someone was stealing lunches on a daily basis where I once worked. A co-worker made some ex-lax brownies for him. Poor fucker went running up the aisle with shit running out his pant leg. I caught him eating out of the garbage can once, too.
Lol. Same thing happened where I work.


Well-Known Member
Blacks kill each other at an enormous rate, far beyond police getting them or the white community killing whites.
What an incredibly stupid thing to say by somebody that is not stupid...oh wait...Doer trolls again


Well-Known Member
Wow, just wow, what a great post reflecting your experience with your local police.
So sad and tragic.

This brings to mind my experience with an officer around 1974.
I was driving home from work one late afternoon. I had been gifted a bottle of Tanqueray gin as a tip from a happy customer. I was liberally nipping at the nice green bottle.
I lighted up a fine joint of some Columbian Gold when I saw the flashing lights behind me...oh no, I thought! My buzz was quite pronounced! What a calamity! Yikes!.
Well the polite officer inquired as to how far I had to go to get home, checked my licence and registration and insurance, wished me a good night and off I went buzzing like an electric razor.
Those were the days my friend!
Columbian Gold :) Remember how we all had rolling trays & would use the flap on Zig Zags to clean our weed , the seeds would be rolling down the tray like an avalanche, scrape , scrape , scrape :lol:
Yes sir they were great days to be young , especially where we had nice cops like the one you mentioned , we used to get warnings 90% of the time vs arrest , you really had to fuk up to get arrested back then .

I like to watch old tv shows like One Adam Twelve & CHiPs that show 70's cops listening to people then helping them , rarely with guns drawn or citizens cuffed , Dragnet is kinda of a drag cause Sergeant Friday allways blows my buzz giving his anti drug speaches to some guy on Reds , Ludes or Pot .

I personally think America was at her best in the 70's & worthy of being a global leader .