Is a wasp an issue around my girls


Active Member
Hi all...

Just checked in on my girls to find a wasp residing in the foliage...

Any ideas if this is ok or should I move the thing on?


Well-Known Member
Well im sure it probably wouldn't be as detrimental as mites or something of that sort, but i'd def get it outa there... nothing good can come from insects being on your plants... Unless it's insects that eat other insects and leave the plant unharmed like lady bugs. I mean it's a wasp that craps... so if anything it's going to be crapping on your plant while living there lol! Possibly breaking trichomes as it travels around the plant/buds. Up to you tho.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what what wasps can do to plants, but I always get them out. To be fair I grow indoors and a wasp inside really halts my life.

until I deal with it dark souls boss fight style. Gets the adrenaline going even more than video games lol.


Well-Known Member
wasp usually are after spiders n caterpillars.
Yep, and other stuff you really don't want residing in your flowers. I've never seen wasps in my plants but I know they do visit because I've found various body parts of other bugs they've been munching on. In my case they are probably European paper wasps (orange antennae rather than black) as I see them around the yard, and they are voracious predators so I leave them to do their work for me. Better to have a little wasp poop rather than budworms or mites, I think.