Looking for any tips on growing in this area about climate or passed experience or knowledge also how big have your plants got out here? looking for a good soil mix and submersible lake pump so no one sees it and follows it to the babies any help would be awesome thankyou!
hey mate, another Canadian I see.
First soil. Use ProMix HP.
Second size of plants is determined by pot size as roots determine size.
Now Id suggest growing in the ground.
how many plants you got now?
If none are you using clones or seed? If seed get some asap and start germinating. Buy fem seeds.
If your serious nutrients are good to get and NEVER buy any nutrients from a hardware. Always online. General Hydroponics is great.
Look into the lucas formula. I use maxibloom 7g per gallon.
Quebec is similar to NB and Ontario. NB gets alot more rain than Quebec and ON.
Plant after that last frost mate. Look at last frost dates.