The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
See this is what yous get for not puttin noobs thru the proper tests to see if there viable to be accepted in here, just any old cunts makin this his home, bringin it upon yourselves lol. Works over, suns out and I'm off for two days, the weekend starts here!
My knowledge would better put to use else were I think I ain't no noob


Well-Known Member
and no one gives a fuk if someones mums died of cancer so don't go guilt tripping people with it on the internet lol
wasn't guilt tripping any one just find it a bit immature to be calling on peoples moms an shit like being in hmyoi when all the tiny little divs brains extend to is suck your mom this or that was a simple question in the first place that didn't need anyone's mom being called


Well-Known Member
yeah good idea MG try and be helpful and end up getting wound the fuk up, they on ignore now cos no cunts wasting my time anymore and ive not had a glass yet, wasted tho of course, u enjoy that sun mate is gone all winter here brrrr


Well-Known Member
you lot've gone soft just put on ignore n get back to having a bit crack with the lads.

really badly want to get on it n watch the footy but a 7am flight to Spain the morrow so a few beers n a bong or 5 instead. Missus is doing my bonce right in
off on hols Don or is it work, need a fukin trip to spain myself tbh


Well-Known Member
wasn't guilt tripping any one just find it a bit immature to be calling on peoples moms an shit like being in hmyoi when all the tiny little divs brains extend to is suck your mom this or that was a simple question in the first place that didn't need anyone's mom being called
No morales


Well-Known Member
ha ha what u up to MG this weekend, lol mon tues is it for u? still theres pubs and whore houses open no? lol, I would if free
There's not much near by m8 in the way of whore houses and I've no wheels tomoro and maybe Tuesday, cars in gettin new discs and pads all a bit of fuckin about with the plants to do and not much else planned as of yet


Well-Known Member
There's not much near by m8 in the way of whore houses and I've no wheels tomoro and maybe Tuesday, cars in gettin new discs and pads all a bit of fuckin about with the plants to do and not much else planned as of yet
I just got mine back from the mechanic too runs sweet and got some new polished rims black spokes fukked the others kerbing it on a drift, wiped out the ecu cos the fuse box got hit, diesel spill on the roundabout glad I wasn't on a bike ide have been lowsided