First indoor grow need help :)


Active Member
Hey guys how are we all?? I need a littlw help my autos are really nice colour. No yellowing what so ever i dont think im under or overwatering but on one of them the leaves are quite droopy. Im growing in organic soil no added ferts. 30% perlite. I ph my water to 6.5. I have a 130 watt cfl grow light which i am using atm about 6cm away from the tops with ventilation coming inbetween the plant and light with a temp of 26.5 most of the time or a little lower. Humidity level is 41%. I have a metal halide 400 watt and 400 watt hps for vege and flower i have 2 white lsd autos about 9-10 days old from seed.Light schedule is 18/6 any help would be great guys :D thanks


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whats your water schedule? they both look decent. hard to tell when theyre so small. as long as there are drainholes in the pots i doubt youre over watering


Active Member
whats your water schedule? they both look decent. hard to tell when theyre so small. as long as there are drainholes in the pots i doubt youre over watering
Hey :) i water every 3-4 days as do the lift the pot method and the finger test lol. I have given one dose of root starter which is some organic shit from bunnings lol.
Hey :) i water every 3-4 days as do the lift the pot method and the finger test lol. I have given one dose of root starter which is some organic shit from bunnings lol.
sounds good but i see what you mean about them looking droopy. maybe mark one and water it every 4-5 days for a while and see if this improves the situation.


Active Member
I have canna bio vega for nutes to which i havent given any. And canna bio flores for flowering. Organic nutes for soil


Active Member
sounds good but i see what you mean about them looking droopy. maybe mark one and water it every 4-5 days for a while and see if this improves the situation.
No worries thanks a heap :) the squash thats in there with them are going crazy and im doing the same thing with them. I just dont get it weed doesnt thrive like people say it does
it will. patience my brother. growth is usually slow at first. give it a few more weeks. going indoors id say youre prolly using an indica dominant plant. the majority of their growth will be out the sides. a shrub rather than a tree.
watch a time elapse video of a grow and itll give you more of an idea as to how much growth there is in each stage. good for personal reference


Active Member
I live in australia to so those names of soil arent familiar lol the only one i have seen here that you guys talk bout is miracle grow but thats terrible. And will never use it


Well-Known Member
Yeah good call on the miracle grow. And also perlite mixed in!

My suggestion would be to find a good compost source. Earth worm castings are best. Can you find soil amendments? If finding cannibus specific products is difficult. I would think about a recycled ammended organic soil. Less daily work. Never ph again! More cost effective. And you get to reuse your soil ever round!
Check out my thread for ideas!


Well-Known Member
Water to run off once every 5-7 days depending on your soils water retention rate. Every 3 days is too much for such a small plant. I have similar sized plants on the go (older due to less light though), and after a week the soil at the bottom is still wet. The top 2/3 is dry.


Active Member
Yeah good call on the miracle grow. And also perlite mixed in!

My suggestion would be to find a good compost source. Earth worm castings are best. Can you find soil amendments? If finding cannibus specific products is difficult. I would think about a recycled ammended organic soil. Less daily work. Never ph again! More cost effective. And you get to reuse your soil ever round!
Check out my thread for ideas!
Il defanitly look in to it and yeah cannabis products are hard to ger


Well-Known Member
Some thing I found useful with watering seedlings it to bottom feed.
It encourages the tap root to grow towards the water source.