The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
as close to the lid as u can with out melting it lol clones don't need much light to much light and they try to grow without roots lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah that would be tricky would have to transplant when only nubs? To not rip off roots
Exactly which is a waste of all those lovely long aero roots. I've used it for soil transplants in 10cm pots. What they really want is an AR56 or whatever it is. I'm already using Canna Aqua so that'd be easy, same EC levels.


Well-Known Member
id like to do dwc but ive only just started out and id see my self having to many problems
If you are starting in soil I recommend bio bizz nutes because they are very slow to uptake and it's harder to burn the plants with them, which is what I used to do with synthetic nutes years ago.


Well-Known Member

are you spanish then? i been reading your posts for yrs in the toke n talk section yours and ya pal klite is it? i have often wondered if you where from the UK originally or had links?

but anyway, how the fuck did irish420 get past the 2mtr tall russian??? fair play irish lol that barca shatter put the hulk in ya lol
Lmfao! Funnily enough the bf was missing all weekend studying so irish prob thinks he's a phantom! I was really disappointed but I have to let him be!
However Klite knows him! I'm not Spanish, I'm a Londoner but half Hungarian. It's klite who's the proper European!

So who are you then 'newuser' ? Lol


Well-Known Member
im on my 4th crop im used coco a+b the boys in here been looking after me
And I bet each harvest has got better each time? It's all down to experience and OBSERVATION! I've never done coco but it's inert isn't it so the EC levels apply like hydro.
I should do it, but I've done quite a bit already and nobody does NFT here. I want aero next, I really do.


Well-Known Member
Lmfao! Funnily enough the bf was missing all weekend studying so irish prob thinks he's a phantom! I was really disappointed but I have to let him be!
However Klite knows him! I'm not Spanish, I'm a Londoner but half Hungarian. It's klite who's the proper European!

So who are you then 'newuser' ? Lol
im rambo im sambo im newuserlol im the yidarmy! lol

im born forest gate east london, but like yaself it seems i got out that shithole yrs ago but still a Londoner i spose lol
went to Budapest once years ago with me dad for a mini hols, we got a hire car n drove to Slovakia n Austria, dunno what way we went tho but it all looked like any essex countryside to me lol


Well-Known Member
What's happening with the law out there for pits? I understand that I CANNOT bring him over with me on a holiday.
Over here he is a dangerous dog with a microchip and is on the government computer system registered. I also need insurance too. Muzzle at all times etc.
I've a rottweiler same applies over here bes considered a restricted breed. In Germany you can take em to get temperament tested n if they pass you don't need to muzzle em...Germans ahead of the game yet again.


Well-Known Member
im rambo im sambo im newuserlol im the yidarmy! lol

im born forest gate east london, but like yaself it seems i got out that shithole yrs ago but still a Londoner i spose lol
went to Budapest once years ago with me dad for a mini hols, we got a hire car n drove to Slovakia n Austria, dunno what way we went tho but it all looked like any essex countryside to me lol
I haven't been there, UK or Hungary for years!
Where did you relocate to?


Well-Known Member
I've a rottweiler same applies over here bes considered a restricted breed. In Germany you can take em to get temperament tested n if they pass you don't need to muzzle em...Germans ahead of the game yet again.
I spoke to my vet about that. I said there should be some sort of tests for obedience and tempermanent. If only ...


Well-Known Member
ayyyaaas i bet that knacked. I don't get owners that don't care for training a dog. and then wonder why it doesn't respond to the shouting. I was switching train in bobadilla this morning and there was a group of 3 obviously well fed dogs just roaming about the place. cars not really bothered. it's a fucking dog not a cat ffs
Same here man the amount of ppl being dragged about by their dogs...My fella even sits at the curb before we cross the road n he knows he needs to look at me before we cross