bodhi seeds

Mathematically your chances don't increase unless you buy very high numbers. Even if you find the butter pheno on the first bean, your chances of finding another do not increase or decrease. Law of high numbers and laws of chance see. A study would need to be made on how many butter phenos per few hundred or thousand beans grown out surface in order to calculate your odds. Only guarantee is that two packs will give you more plants.

Dude, of course the more you buy, the better your chances.

You're sort of confusing the rules of probability here.

Yeah, each bean offers an equal chance of finding the phenotype, but the more beans the better the chances. Even if there's no difference in chance in between each individual seed.
Dude, of course the more you buy, the better your chances.

You're sort of confusing the rules of probability here.

Yeah, each bean offers an equal chance of finding the phenotype, but the more beans the better the chances. Even if there's no difference in chance in between each individual seed.
Yeah of course the more beans the better the chances but that is to the OVERALL picture of all beans popped by everybody. Beans do not have memory, they have no idea if you struck lucky or not. So yeah the laws of probability apply totally, seeing as hedging more bets never changes the odds. What further compounds matters is that we have no idea of how many possible phenotypes from the type. So if one enjoys the game no problem, most of us love to dig, but even if you get eight butter phenos in a row it in no way changes the actual odds of you getting it in the next bean. This is why the lottery stays in business, no matter how many people play how often, the odds still look great. All I am saying is that this is what it is, if you are aiming for something rare and shooting blind, you are hedging bets. You can't set expectations against a bet, that is just setting yourself up for disappointment. Many, MANY cool phenos in those packs each worth the time... All the best to all pheno hunters I know the feeling lol... But you guys have CLONES... isn't the Butter Cut available to the public over there? Always thought it was... EDIT: yeah I just did have yo dig out an old text book lmfao, damn rusty on my math. But yeah gist of it is, the more beans get popped the higher the chance of a butt pheno popping up, but the WHERE is not really predictable and totally random seeing as the collection is all over the globe not in one pot... EDIT EDIT: spell check keeps editing it into butt pheno.
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The more raffle tickets i buy the probability-increases that I'll win more, and even better, prizes. Does anyone disagree with that, please explain.

It's capitalism at it's finest that breeders can cash in on F1 strains under this concept by getting you to not only buy one pack, but purchase many packs of their beans. For this reason, I have some animosity towards the great pheno hunt adventure. dinking around with multiple packs of some hyped up poly-hybrid to the tune of 300$, or more, seems mildly insane, yet I've still done it on occasion.
Jesus... Yea let's hope 2 packs. But stray it sounds like you are a breeder? Could you speak to the growth featured in the butter cut? Fan leaves Indica wide or slender sat? Etc. If I find a male that could carry the trait I don't want to fuck up and toss him. Though I'll probably be collecting pollen from every male I get.
The more raffle tickets i buy the probability-increases that I'll win more, and even better, prizes. Does anyone disagree with that, please explain.

It's capitalism at it's finest that breeders can cash in on F1 strains under this concept by getting you to not only buy one pack, but purchase many packs of their beans. For this reason, I have some animosity towards the great pheno hunt adventure. dinking around with multiple packs of some hyped up poly-hybrid to the tune of 300$, or more, seems mildly insane, yet I've still done it on occasion.

You're right the probability is additive in this case

Also trust me, Bodhi is not 'cashing in' on anything. I have never seen a ssdd grow that was disappointing
With tons of releases, mostly all (polyhybrid) F1s, he appears to be a savvy marketing guy that is doing rather well. I'll leave it at that.

I really like what I hear about Bodhi as a person, and I've had great luck with his gear so far.... so I'd love to defend him here, but you make a solid point. He releases more strains than Ben and Jerry have flavors of ice cream. It creates a lot of buzz and has to be good for the bottom line.

I do appreciate the fact that he provides a lot of freebies though, and his prices are fairly moderate. I can pick up 2 packs of his seeds at GLG for $140, and get a third pack for free. 3 packs for $140 is reasonable IMO.
The more raffle tickets i buy the probability-increases that I'll win more, and even better, prizes. Does anyone disagree with that, please explain.

It's capitalism at it's finest that breeders can cash in on F1 strains under this concept by getting you to not only buy one pack, but purchase many packs of their beans. For this reason, I have some animosity towards the great pheno hunt adventure. dinking around with multiple packs of some hyped up poly-hybrid to the tune of 300$, or more, seems mildly insane, yet I've still done it on occasion.
OK, so how many raffles have you won by buying more tickets, and by how much did the prize value increase?... In a raffle of lets say ten people these are great odds, and each ticket will increase those odds greatly. But lets say there are 10 ooo people in the raffle, owning two or three extra tickets does not cover all that much distance. The predictable art is for the ENTIRE raffle: x entries, y winners. Prizes a through f value total T, ticket sales minus expenses equal profit, three winners and however many losers. THE ODDS THEMSELVES for each ticket to win remains exactly the same if a fixed number are sold. If each ticket sold is a new ticket, ODDS DECREASE per ticket. If you are going to work over the odds of hitting a pheno using Pascal's Triangle things will get pretty mental. I mean you would have to break it down to possible population combinations with just one butter pheno and lump all the rest together as 'the other' pheno, germinating six beans will give you 64 possible combinations between those two groups, so that is if half the seeds are always butter pheno and the other half are always another pheno. Not taking into account for males either. So with realistic numbers working the odds on hitting a pheno is going to reveal exactly why it is going to be easy to get disappointed hunting a rare pheno from a poly hybrid.
I just have to say I never see B advertising, running booths, doing the cup circuit, merchandising, or even having much of a public psence, his strains are mostly available from only one place right now with a few exceptions, I struggle to see the capitalism. Looks more like the public going bananas all by themselves to me. Also the guy is busy with his 'Blood' line which is an IBL project, he has been trying males made with back crossing etc. Low prices too except for the rare auction pack which is third party sales anyway and has nothing to do with the guy. Call it luck or whatever, those expensive packs are PROVEN for their worth, those are never fresh releases but underground legends that earned their reputations from many runs.
To say hes not cashing in would seem ludachris! What breader isnt in some way. What sets B from the rest is his kindness and his gear is almost 100% of the time great! When looking a my vast vault of B work its hard to decide cause there all great lol and hes never said a negative thing to anyone in form or other that i have seen. Hats off to bodhi
To say hes not cashing in would seem ludachris! What breader isnt in some way. What sets B from the rest is his kindness and his gear is almost 100% of the time great! When looking a my vast vault of B work its hard to decide cause there all great lol and hes never said a negative thing to anyone in form or other that i have seen. Hats off to bodhi
Definitely not making his money at the expense of anybody else. Can't say who is making how much crown and can't say I care, all I know is with a legal weed system seems like you will cash in waaaaaaay better off bud than beans?...
Well, if you live in the United States, you'd know that growing buds is not where the big safe money is. Buds are more likely to get you busted. Especially when you're talking over 20 pounds per harvest etc... Plus that market is over saturated like a mofo.
With tons of releases, mostly all (polyhybrid) F1s, he appears to be a savvy marketing guy that is doing rather well. I'll leave it at that.

He has been putting out a lot of strains out yeah but they're tested before being released to distributers for resale. You can check out the grow journals on the bay
I made the same point and mad hamish cried me a river. Sure bodhi is a great guy personally but as me and Abe have said, he's is certainly cashing in. Cheers.

If you say Bodhi is cashing in then what exactly is your idea of a breeder not "cashing in"?

Is it paying for ads in high times?
Paying seedbanks to show them as being top recommended?
Paying for booths?
Releasing a Hermie strain called "Girl Scout cookies" or "blue dream" or *insert clone only strain*
keeping the lineage a secret?
Charging $15+ per seed

If by marketing you mean getting people hooked by delivering a quality product, sure.. I got the freebie Goji before I had ever even heard of Bodhi, 9 months later I finally popped it and have never looked back (and still run that same cut, and still have a couple more from the promo lol)..

When you're cashing in and backing it up with a quality product, I think that's called a successful business..
When you're cashing in off of hype, but the product isn't held to a certain standard, you're business will flame out quick..

I have never experienced such a high percentage of quality plants as I have with Bodhi's beans.. I'm sure if I ever run into a few dud beans in a row, I may change my tune.. But as of now I can't sing his praise high enough (good product at a fair price.. what more can you really ask for??)..

We are his marketing team.. People who stumbled across him from an Attitude seeds bday promo etc..
Yeah I caught on by word of mouth not ads or promos or even a freebie. Although I can tell you any person that pops Synergy will end up a customer for sure if that is their first experience. And wtf with knocking all his crosses. Most of them are Happy and Snow lotus, two males we all know very well what they do. With the 'OG Synthesis' series for example, you have a whole mess of elite and wanted OG mothers crossed to his 'transparent' daddy so there you have a fair shot at getting close to the mum. And then bearing in mind all the happy crosses poping up are probably very limited and made out of necessity. B knows how many Appy freaks there are, so if I was him I would use saved pollen on whatever moms were ready while pollen is still viable. Appalachia also, we know what he does so a little digging on any of those crosses should help you decide YEAH or MEH. Bodhi Seeds might be a little off beat but it is awesome. Then there are some old classics around so the less adventurous or those new to Bodhi can make choices they can back up with a lot of info. He did announce an upcoming 'old favorites re stock' so I see no possible complaints left that will not be totally redundant in the near future. And hell yeah prices are low low low
If we are gonna get nostalgic about the moment we wanted to get bodhi beans it was at the end of the 4th official party cup comp for me. @Adrosmokin entered a real pretty goji girl that had my mouth watering, and this was a 12/12fs party cup! I think some of you guys know how ugly a plant can look given those conditions but she was stunning and his description of the zmoke sealed it for me (believe he said berry yogurt flavor :weed:)