starting in final pot?


Well-Known Member
Yes smart pots are great. If I'm going to use a pot, I use smart pots. I use them indoors now too. They are almost impossible to over water. You just have to make sure you don't water too frequently. Just make sure they dry out real good before you water again. I get a feel for the pots weight right after I water to see how heavy it is, then i check the weight by lifting a side up a couple inches to see how dry it is. After a little while you will get a good feel for it and can tell if its time to water or not. Sometimes ill check a few inches under the soil as well to see how dry it is.
So basicly as long as I don't drown my seedlings they will be fine? No stunder growth due too roots not finding sides of containers quick enough? I don't understand how though cause in nature there's no plastic walls telling plants too start growing roots down further? Lol so can someone clarify this for me?


Well-Known Member
You will definitely be fine. Im not sure why people say to start in small pots and work your way up. Ive definitely heard of people doing it before too but I've had great success just putting them straight in their final homes so i don't try to fix what isn't broke. I have short veg times indoor too so they are definitely growing at a good rate. There are a few other factors to worry about too though. What kind of soil are you using? Fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
You will definitely be fine. Im not sure why people say to start in small pots and work your way up. Ive definitely heard of people doing it before too but I've had great success just putting them straight in their final homes so i don't try to fix what isn't broke. I have short veg times indoor too so they are definitely growing at a good rate. There are a few other factors to worry about too though. What kind of soil are you using? Fertilizer?
I'm using either happy frog or local Amish made soil. And as for nutrients I'm using technafloras starter kit but they won't be getting anything too start besides sugar daddy from day one of coming threw the soil until about 2 weeks after they pop from soil then I'll start slowly giving other nutes from there


Well-Known Member
OK so I've been reading and this year instead of starting in small pots and working my way to 5 gallon pots I'd just start the seeds directly in the 5 gal pots but now I've seen a few people saying plants won't get as big as they would starting in small ones and working my way up.....any truth too this? Hopefully someone can help me make up my mind.
start it in the biggest pot u can wont harm them at all just stupid and a fucking pain to start small then work ur way up no real point at all if u cant get a big plat from a big pot well in my books u cant grow for poo


Well-Known Member
start it in the biggest pot u can wont harm them at all just stupid and a fucking pain to start small then work ur way up no real point at all if u cant get a big plat from a big pot well in my books u cant grow for poo
i just plant into the ground no pots if i was able to let them go i would but were i live u get alot of jail time so i cut mine back so they dont get tall but heres one



Well-Known Member
Those look nice man! And I know it sounded crazy when I heard someone say that if you start in a big pot it will kill the plant or stunt it and whatever else.....sounded crazy cause like I said a few posts back, in nature plants don't have pots too grow into so what then? If any of what they said was true there wouldn't be any kind of plants left in the world lmao


Well-Known Member
I use a 50/50 ocean forest/happy frog mix with 2/3-3/4 of a 4 cubic foot bag of perlite per 100g of soil. I feed botanicare pure blend line and love the stuff. Its not as expensive as some of the nutes on the market and works great. Its mostly organic too, harder to over feed than most stuff. I add in orca and instead of using botanicare sweet, i switch it out for earth juice hybrix molasses


Well-Known Member
I use a 50/50 ocean forest/happy frog mix with 2/3-3/4 of a 4 cubic foot bag of perlite per 100g of soil. I feed botanicare pure blend line and love the stuff. Its not as expensive as some of the nutes on the market and works great. Its mostly organic too, harder to over feed than most stuff.
Good shit man! Technaflora isn't too expensive and its full organic ;) but thanks for all the help everyone!!!! I appreciate it so much you couldn't imagine!!! Gunna get some sleep, got work in......(checking clock)......( counting fingers)......bout 5 hours. :( I'm gunna be dead tomorrow for sure


Well-Known Member
OK so I've been reading and this year instead of starting in small pots and working my way to 5 gallon pots I'd just start the seeds directly in the 5 gal pots but now I've seen a few people saying plants won't get as big as they would starting in small ones and working my way up.....any truth too this? Hopefully someone can help me make up my mind.
I start straight into 8 gal pots from seed straight under a 600 w mh and I don't see how starting in a big pot would make em grow slower quite the opposite they grow faster there is no transplant shock how exactly does inhibiting root growth speed up growth lol it's easier for ppl to manage in small pots and transfer but if like me u do one crop at a time I'd go straight into big pots
I didn't do this till I grew autos but since then I do with my photos and use similar technics to do it and the growth rocks image.jpg
It's all how u water image.jpg 5 weeks veg 8 gal hempys

And if u growing outside go massive pot bigger the better or dig a big fucking hole


Well-Known Member
I'm using smart pots as well so the extra ventilation too the root area should help from over watering as well plus I got a moisture meter and these girls will be getting 10 hours of direct sun everyday.....combined these things and the seedling started mix in the middle and not water the whole pot just like 2 inches from stem out all the way around the plant and no further, all of that should make it work I'd say
I do similar in my perlite hempys around 2 inches deep and 3 inches around the seedling I use soil of some type of water absorber so I can just water a tiny bit so the boom from day 1


Well-Known Member
if you can avoid transplanting, then avoid transplanting by starting in its final container. It does not and never will make any sense to start with a small cup and work your way up. Thats just one of those many stupid myths about growing this plant. Just throw it in its container and let it grow, bro. ZERO loss of yield and ZERO problems.