how can i get a vendors license to sell to clubs


Well-Known Member
I have my 215 and I am looking for info on how to sell to clubs I believe the license is called a vendors license. Does anyone know how to become a vendor? Any info is helpful thank you!
You don't need a license to vend. You just have to have quality bud and a rabbits foot worn down to the bone because you have been shut out of every other dispensary because they....... ;) LOL

Just have to be at the right place at the right time. Go into your local dispensary and ask if they are accepting new vendors. If they are they will probably want a nice sized sample as well as your method of growing.
Call Ogranicann. I assume you know where they are. Make an appointment to show (i believe its every thursday). Show them something they can't pass up and your good. Do that to other clubs in your area and reach out. Your helping patients so if you got the goods you should show your meds.
You can check at Alternatives Health Collective in Sebastopol too. I have been working with them for a couple years now and they are always great to me. I do edibles though, flower might be different. Ask for Karen (owner) or David (Da-veed).
You can check at Alternatives Health Collective in Sebastopol too. I have been working with them for a couple years now and they are always great to me. I do edibles though, flower might be different. Ask for Karen (owner) or David (Da-veed).
Never heard of this one. i know of the other one right in down town. Thanks!