I'd start a journal but...


Active Member
There's some nonsense rule about not posting in other people's journals unless asked but in being a new grower I would actually like maximum feedback and a rule about not posting unless asked really hinders that.

So anyways here's a few pictures that I just took.

IMG_0330.JPG Mix n' match 2
Leaves seem droopy.

IMG_0331.JPG White widow 3
Leaves are perky, maybe "taco shelling" a bit, hard for me to tell, some minor odd curvature/splitting on some of the leaves, bright side is this is the only white widow in which the bottom leaves are not dying.

IMG_0332.JPG Mix n' match 1
Leaves seem droopy, some browning on the leaves.

IMG_0333.JPG White widow 2
Second healthiest plant, leaves are perky, Some spotting, bottom fan leaves dying.

IMG_0334.JPG White widow 1
Healthiest plant, mostly damage free at this point, leaves are perky, bottom fan leaves dyed and I clipped them, some damage on second set of fan leaves I clipped the dmged portion.

That said, since I took these pictures last night my humidifier ran out of water and the heat went up 3-4F (to 55F)and the humidity went down 7%(to 20%) also during that time the plants dried out a little so one of these factors lead to the 2 Mix n' match plants perking up.

IMG_0339.JPG Mix n' match 1

IMG_0338.JPG Mix n match 2


Well-Known Member
I know, that's a funny rule that is seldom followed

Sometime I just say feedback/comments welcomed....which give the green light to post but most people will respond/post to a grow journal anyhow

Grow Journal is a great place to post....you will likely receive more knowledgeable feedback there than the Newbie section


Well-Known Member
Grow journals are great. I've been keeping mine since I joined RIU :)
Heads up though! You'll be palm slapping when you look back at it a few months down the line, and see what mistakes you made. Lol!
And yeah, people aren't slow in coming forward with their comments, usually, like ISK says, they're pretty constructive :)


Well-Known Member
There's some nonsense rule about not posting in other people's journals unless asked but in being a new grower I would actually like maximum feedback and a rule about not posting unless asked really hinders that.
Your plants seem to be drooping because they are water logged. Let them bad girls dry out a little before you water them again, if in coco don't let them get too dry but wait until you can feel the difference in weight of the containers. Also if the coco/soil is cold it will hold water too long causing problems as well. Cheers.


Active Member
Your plants seem to be drooping because they are water logged. Let them bad girls dry out a little before you water them again, if in coco don't let them get too dry but wait until you can feel the difference in weight of the containers. Also if the coco/soil is cold it will hold water too long causing problems as well. Cheers.
They're in that soil.

A note to the mods then, if you could move this thread to the grow journal section of the forum and rename it "My first grow - feedback/comments welcomed", that would be good.

Question, either of the two Mix n' match plants could be male, at what point do they grow "balls" if they are?


Well-Known Member
A few weeks into flower...Keep a very close eye on 'em. Indeed, any plant can "hermie" on you, so it's always a good idea to look out for any stray male flower on any plant...

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Yeah that looks like water issues, either the water you put in has no oxygen, or you have no drainage. If you have drains, put an air stone about 12 hours in your water before you water, if its not that its the temperature of your water, as long as your leaves don't change colors you're okay. These plants are delicate, but they also won't die very soon. Talk tio them and take care of them highly! PH your water, maybe add nutes in the following weeks ( if your soil doesn't come with any ) and you'll be good. Keep a physical journal and track every single day. About everything you do. Treat it like a baby and its future will be right. Everything else look fine, I think they need oxygen though. Reply crossing out if you have drain or if you don't aerate your water. I highly reccomend you pH your water, both before you poor and after you have excess water coming out from the drain. Always!!!! When it comes out of drain get that water and check the pH, to makes sure you know that just because you watered with correct pH, your soil doesn't have our of range pH.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Another thing. Stay away from souls like that. Those are good for hydro RTS, to start the plant. Ask plants are different so always use soil for multipurpose. And not seed starting soil, use soil with perlite, lime juice, and additives that YOU should know your plants need. By that I mean if you know the strain. Buy good potting soil. Nothing that says seed starter or miracle grow our moisture retainer or porting mix or time released additives. I reccommend hydroponics. Way more maintenance eiffident and it creates more knowledge, about plant life, water, nutrients, elements etc. If you can't stay hydro right now, don't worry. Build your experience and then tradition. I promise you hydroponics will NOT let you down. Id like to see that widow grow. They always come out so beautiful. And I've seen white widows neglected and they still looked decent.


Active Member
Another thing. Stay away from souls like that. Those are good for hydro RTS, to start the plant. Ask plants are different so always use soil for multipurpose. And not seed starting soil, use soil with perlite, lime juice, and additives that YOU should know your plants need. By that I mean if you know the strain. Buy good potting soil. Nothing that says seed starter or miracle grow our moisture retainer or porting mix or time released additives. I reccommend hydroponics. Way more maintenance eiffident and it creates more knowledge, about plant life, water, nutrients, elements etc. If you can't stay hydro right now, don't worry. Build your experience and then tradition. I promise you hydroponics will NOT let you down. Id like to see that widow grow. They always come out so beautiful. And I've seen white widows neglected and they still looked decent.
I have been told to steer clear of hydro for a couple reasons. A: some people say it tastes like shit(cardboard) B: a power outage can really fuck you over(and this place is bad for those, had a few over the past few months).

Ya the white widow do seem like an easy grow so far, I kinda wish I'd only planted the white widow seeds and not the Mix n' match. Of the white widow seeds 4/5 would have sprouted if not for the fungus issue which killed one.
I had not heard of using an air stone in the water, perhaps I could look into picking one up tomorrow.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Yeah I hear you on power outages. power outages can really screw you up, but hey, ive never had one so i guess im okay. Whoever told you hydroponics is bad is wrong. Its not only more efficient, but the process is fun. Well to me.But everyone has their opinions and they're entitled to those opinions.. So figure out what's best for you. Hydro is easy because you can turn any seed into an even more potent strain, IMO, if you feed it the right nutes. Yeah get an air stone man, it will definitely help get some oxygen in your water. Research it. Sometimes Google helps more than here. Or YouTube. Do your plants have fungus issues now? Or were they separated from that plant? A lot of plants infect other plants, so becareful, as soon as you see one contaminated, isolate it from the rest, as having a fan around can really spread the disease. Stay proffessional and always ask for help. I do. I just saw all my typos, ridiculous. Haha. Stupid phone.


Active Member
Yeah I hear you on power outages. power outages can really screw you up, but hey, ive never had one so i guess im okay. Whoever told you hydroponics is bad is wrong. Its not only more efficient, but the process is fun. Well to me.But everyone has their opinions and they're entitled to those opinions.. So figure out what's best for you. Hydro is easy because you can turn any seed into an even more potent strain, IMO, if you feed it the right nutes. Yeah get an air stone man, it will definitely help get some oxygen in your water. Research it. Sometimes Google helps more than here. Or YouTube. Do your plants have fungus issues now? Or were they separated from that plant? A lot of plants infect other plants, so becareful, as soon as you see one contaminated, isolate it from the rest, as having a fan around can really spread the disease. Stay proffessional and always ask for help. I do. I just saw all my typos, ridiculous. Haha. Stupid phone.
Had a feeling that you were using a phone, several words out of place or that didn't make sense, classic auto-correct blunders.
Ya, I've heard it makes the weed taste bad but people that do hydro swear by it. aeroponics looks interesting. I will stick to soil for now.
As for the fungus issues, that plant died and it's gone now. Don't think that I have any more fungus issues, shouldn't with the low humidity that I've had, I was running around 10% for at least a week(got a humidifier now though it doesn't seem to boost it as much as I'd think).


Well-Known Member
Had a feeling that you were using a phone, several words out of place or that didn't make sense, classic auto-correct blunders.
Ya, I've heard it makes the weed taste bad but people that do hydro swear by it. aeroponics looks interesting. I will stick to soil for now.
As for the fungus issues, that plant died and it's gone now. Don't think that I have any more fungus issues, shouldn't with the low humidity that I've had, I was running around 10% for at least a week(got a humidifier now though it doesn't seem to boost it as much as I'd think).
People argue over anything/everything but no hydro doesn't make weed taste bad. People who grow in hydro can definitely make the weed taste bad by over fertilizing and other malpractices but my dro comes out tasty. However I will say that I love the taste of earthy organic grown too, so you just gotta figure out which is right for you.

Also, I think you just need to let that soil dry out pretty well. Wait till the pots are light but no so long that the soil dries completely out or else your plants will wilt from lack of water. I'd say two or three days maybe longer if your room's humidity is high but you will feel the difference in weight for sure. Soil is more forgiving than the hydro so makes a good place to start for beginners. Just let that soil dry out so it has more oxygen in the root zone. Cheers.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Haha. Well weed growing is like sports. I stand by my Spurs, IDC what anyone says. See? Same thing. People will always compete, but don't listen to them. Follow me man, I wanna see those widows grow.


Active Member
A few shots of my best plant
IMG_0347.JPG IMG_0349.JPG IMG_0350.JPG
And a few shots of my worst plant
IMG_0346.JPG IMG_0351.JPG IMG_0352.JPG
The rest are not as healthy as the first but a fair bit better off than the last.
On a side note that unhealthy plant is a real stinker(in the good way), it already smells like weed.


Active Member
What wattage does your led throw out?
280 actual wattage but it's supposed to be 144X3

The soil could be compacted, I shall try loosening it up, not sure about the water thing yet.

Also I noticed on the stem, I'm not sure how to describe it but is that natural?
IMG_0344.JPG IMG_0345.JPG

Upon closer inspection it almost appears as though the stem is shedding a layer of skin(much like lizards do).
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Well-Known Member
280 actual wattage but it's supposed to be 144X3

The soil could be compacted, I shall try loosening it up, not sure about the water thing yet.

Also I noticed on the stem, I'm not sure how to describe it but is that natural?
View attachment 3409172 View attachment 3409173

Upon closer inspection it almost appears as though the stem is shedding a layer of skin(much like lizards do).
Lol that's a pretty good way to describe it. They do kind of bust from a skin when they grow. Totally normal.

When they do and the stems get little white bumps, I consider it entering veg.

Looking pretry good so far, but I've messed up packing soil in too hard before. couldn't hurt t9 check that.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Yeah it looks weird but normal. Yeah check that and if you do these things correctly and you still have problems, try the last resort of buying new soil, only this time have some type of additive to help it grow and be healthy.. ( nutrients, lime juice, perlite, cal mag, kelp juice, etc. They all don't need to be there. But having at least one helps. Especially 3 part base nutrients. Check out Oneness by Humboldt nutrients. Its only one bottle of nutrients. It has everything you need in one bottle. For only $12. Highly recommended.