Ineb's First Grow


Well-Known Member
you have been working well with your little ones.
i did not notice if you have a little fan blowing that can stregthen stocks.
simulated the wind. NOT so you blow the roots off just a gental little breeze.
I leave 3 fans running 24/7.... just a thought. but arnt da babys wonderful
they grow up soooooooooooooo fast. keep your journal up as you have been. then if you ever have an issue it is much easer to find the issues that need to be addressed.
congradulations pa pa may they all be chubby cheek girls.

Thanks, I simulate the wind by opening and closing my door really fast a few times about 20times a day.... I have nothin' better to do lol.

Yeah, they do grow up sooo fast. I had to set the outside one inside for tonight, don't want the rain to screw up its watering schedule. I've got a day 9 pic of the inside plant today :) the stem has gotten quite a bit thicker over the last few days, and it seems my re-arrangement of the lights helped out a bit as it had new growth today :hump:.


OOPS. Got my finger in the photo. heh.
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Well-Known Member
OOPS. Got my finger in the photo. heh.

LOL LOL i thought it was wind simulation with the door..
nice pic they do look happy an healthy


Well-Known Member
Well, I know what I plan to do after flowering!

If the bud is of high quality, I'm going to GRAFT a clone or plant of different strain onto the post-harvest stem so it has a full root system to work with. Sounds kewl huh?

I'm also thinkin' about getting this setup later on down the road
CLOSET CULTIVATOR 400 watt GROW KIT 400w HPS+MH w LIGHT - eBay (item 180111689003 end time Aug-19-08 08:24:38 PDT)

Most of it will be of great use to me, so it's a bonus getting it all in one place.

Day 12-Outside

The plant inside is looking quite a bit healthier already. Vertical ftw. Thicker stem, it's actually growing with 30watts, or about 1.6k lumen :mrgreen:
Day 10-Inside

Ok, I'll wait a few days before the next pics, as with such a low amount of time in between, it's hard to tell the difference.


Well-Known Member
whats up man grow looks nice
waiting sucks man i gotta agree with u
but hopefully your plants get 9ft tall and have big thick buds
a little exuberant i know but still haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah 9 ft. tall, hah. Ah one can dream! Thick buds though, on the other hand, are a total possibility.

Will post an update after my camera gets done chargin'.


Well-Known Member
Well, this is an update for the indoors plant (I really should name them); I'm going to wait another day before postin' an update on the one outside. (But it's lookin' great! It stinks so good.- outside)



Well-Known Member
I've got a name for the one outside now; think I'll call it "Aiko"

Anyway, I've given it its first super-diluted shot of fertilizer. 'Bout 3 drops in a 12oz cup as a second-soak after its normal un-tampered water. Starting Small.


Well-Known Member
I've got a name for the one outside now; think I'll call it "Aiko"

Anyway, I've given it its first super-diluted shot of fertilizer. 'Bout 3 drops in a 12oz cup as a second-soak after its normal un-tampered water. Starting Small.
yep small is the way to go with nutrients at first. I am sure Aiko loved her first time!


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I was out of town for a few days, decided to let mother nature take care of my lil' ones. She did a fine job.

Aiko grew a few inches taller, where the growth has been a bit slow lately.
Seems the fert. treatment helped quite a bit, but with some minor drawbacks.

She's got a few very light brown spots; so light they have the possibility of healing. They don't seem to be visible in the picture, but I'm going to hold off on the fert. 'till a little bit later on.

Day 20 - Aiko

Now, I'm still figuring up a name for the one inside, but it grew a mighty bit while I was gone too. Rapid growth, but the leaves look a bit folded and sickly. No discoloring, just a bit of deformation.
Is it possible the flouro's are lightly toasting it? Just enough to shrivel but not really burn? It feels rather cool...

Day 16 - Inside
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Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot...

Uh, anyone wanna play the guessing game? Watch throughout the grow and try to name the strain.

They are bagseed so I've no idea what they are


Well-Known Member
Well it's time for an update. No new pictures today.

I topped two of the older, lower branches on Aiko as the leaves had a bit of burning and I wanted to test the method anyway.

The burning is from a former fert-shot, which I have remedied.

I'll post some new photo's after a few days of regeneration.