Ineb's First Grow


Well-Known Member
Also my extreme prunage didn't kill my test plant. The top is working succesfully, and it is now growing two main branches, instead of one :)


Well-Known Member
I use a phone camera, the charger of which was left at another house about 80miles away ^^. That's why I can't post pics atm. But will get some up tomorrow! Promise! :roll::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Got my cam charged up and ready to go, sorry for the blurring, I'm a bit unsteady today.

Aiko - Day 41

I still have to finish the reflector for this setup, just a bare bulb at the moment. But anything is better than those crappy flouro tubes I had.

150watt, high pressure sodium is in it at the moment; all the store had.



Well-Known Member
Oh, one of the plants in there is the test plant. Uprooted and had a root trim... It's definitely gonna be a male if it doesn't hermie, lol. So evil to the plant but the dirt was just full of gnats so no more soil growin'.


Well-Known Member
I keep forgetting to add this, should have said it weeks ago.

watering schedule for aiko (the only one remaining in soil)

I water once every 2-3weeks, with straight tap water with the chlorine evaporated.


Well-Known Member
I meant weeks. The soil doesn't even start to get dry till about a week after I water. I know the plant is healthy, so I'm not changing anything. It's my 2footer we're talkin'bout.

But then again I practically flush the medium whenever I water; the coir absorbs a ton of water, while the slow-release nutes get slowly washed away, should be pretty clean by flowering time.


Well-Known Member
yea, i hear you, i wouldn;t change anything either. but you gotta admit it seems kind of weird for a plant that grows so fast.


Well-Known Member
Yeah actually I did think that was strange, it grows a lot but it does not really drink water very fast. It's in the sun all day too, superior lighting, and it is just taking its good ol' time.


Well-Known Member
Oh, hey. Aiko's a female, w00t!!

I can't actually show ya high-res pics of the sites showing sex, don't have a mag glass. But I read plants ~double in size throughout flowering? Oh It's gonna be a beast, lol.


Well-Known Member
congrats on your girl. now the waiting really starts as she fills out. chill out and enjoy the ride.


Well-Known Member
Oh, the root trim I gave the one plant didn't kill it at least. lol. Also one sprout going in it now. I germinated this seed for over a week using the "shotglass method" or whatever it is. It never did crack, so, I tossed it into the rockwool as a 'last chance to wake the hell up' type deal. It popped up outta there in under 24hours and has it's second set of leaves growing already.

Will post a few pics of the hydro crap tommorow when lights come back on.

btw for anyone who wants to know - I don't have a tds or ph meter, or any ph -+. Kinda wingin' it.


Well-Known Member
hey inib, thanks for dropping by my grow. see things are moving along for you. hey, are those lights below the plants? how come?


Well-Known Member
Well, I've got a 26watt cfl and a 150watt hps above it, the two flouro tubes are for a bit of under-coverage. I would put them in the air right beside the plant, but I have nothing to hang them with.

Also, soon putting another 26watt cfl above; don't have a fixture for it at the moment. The cfl's are 100watt equivalent.


Well-Known Member
why not prop them up vertically on either side of the plant. i put cfl's on the sides of my plant and they took off.