Frosty or just average


Well-Known Member
I can afford to give my knowledge freely and openly Brother and Sisters, but if I got to pay for it so do you sorry! I was going to independently test these before putting them out but, I proved it on this run and that's that now I got all kinds of shit for all you beautiful people, cause of all the bullshit ever brought upon the Industry of Cannabis - All yours where it should be with no bullshit!!!!


Well-Known Member
Question on your light position. Did you move it up to take the picture or is always that high (from what the picture would indicate).
That was the end of the run buddy I like to make the tops strech a bit by rasing the light 2" a day for the last 2 weeks to coax the buds to ripen with out the threat of cooking them, were going for quality here, Fuck quantity, thats kid shit. I want to smoke a bowl and be done we adults got shit to do right!


Well-Known Member
The whole run tucked in a corner in a 4x4 in the basement! 77 degrees with lights on, venting into the same basement! Never any bullshit here guys from now on!


Well-Known Member
30 years of My Basic Science Knowledge, no college and the will to Win at all Costs! Backed By only the Best in this Industry Boyz!
I ain;t nothin special guys just learned and tested for 30 years like all the people here! We love to talk! Thats 8 3 gallon, 5 3 gallon and 1 5 gallon seeded and non seeded bitches in 1 4x4 tent for the finish. Love ya Moon Dance.


Well-Known Member
Thats with the glass cover installed correct?
yes .. I have the glass in place and It is cleaned every 3-4 days .. I keep it around 18-26 inches from the top of my canopy at all times to keep canopy temps at 23/24c lights on and 18/19c lights out