I'd start a journal but...


Well-Known Member
There's some nonsense rule about not posting in other people's journals unless asked but in being a new grower I would actually like maximum feedback and a rule about not posting unless asked really hinders that.

So anyways here's a few pictures that I just took.

View attachment 3408826 Mix n' match 2
Leaves seem droopy.

View attachment 3408827 White widow 3
Leaves are perky, maybe "taco shelling" a bit, hard for me to tell, some minor odd curvature/splitting on some of the leaves, bright side is this is the only white widow in which the bottom leaves are not dying.

View attachment 3408828 Mix n' match 1
Leaves seem droopy, some browning on the leaves.

View attachment 3408829 White widow 2
Second healthiest plant, leaves are perky, Some spotting, bottom fan leaves dying.

View attachment 3408830 White widow 1
Healthiest plant, mostly damage free at this point, leaves are perky, bottom fan leaves dyed and I clipped them, some damage on second set of fan leaves I clipped the dmged portion.

That said, since I took these pictures last night my humidifier ran out of water and the heat went up 3-4F (to 55F)and the humidity went down 7%(to 20%) also during that time the plants dried out a little so one of these factors lead to the 2 Mix n' match plants perking up.

View attachment 3408832 Mix n' match 1

View attachment 3408831 Mix n match 2
Take the pictures when the lights are off utilizing the camera flash..we cant see shit with those LED spectrums..listen to the guy with einstien avatar he has given you good advice so far...Do not post a journal until like your third grow, as much as i hate to admit it, the people here will rip you apart over in that section cause they all think they are gods gift to growing..and dont go around trying to lose up the soil the droopy leaves are from overwatering not lack of oxygen you might fuck up a root dicking with the soil...you only need to water those litle fuckers like once a week

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Take the pictures when the lights are off utilizing the camera flash..we cant see shit with those LED spectrums..listen to the guy with einstien avatar he has given you good advice so far...Do not post a journal until like your third grow, as much as i hate to admit it, the people here will rip you apart over in that section cause they all think they are gods gift to growing..and dont go around trying to lose up the soil the droopy leaves are from overwatering not lack of oxygen you might fuck up a root dicking with the soil...you only need to water those litle fuckers like once a week
I'm guessing you have "Gods gift of growing" too? Hahahahahaha. I'm kidding man, come on it was a good joke. It was set up perfectly, you can't blame me.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Yeah it looks weird but normal. Yeah check that and if you do these things correctly and you still have problems, try the last resort of buying new soil, only this time have some type of additive to help it grow and be healthy.. ( nutrients, lime juice, perlite, cal mag, kelp juice, etc. They all don't need to be there. But having at least one helps. Especially 3 part base nutrients. Check out Oneness by Humboldt nutrients. Its only one bottle of nutrients. It has everything you need in one bottle. For only $12. Highly recommended.
I will consider those nutes when I eventually use those type of nutes but I'm going all organic for this grow and when I start in with the nutes for this grow I'll be using IMG_0324.JPG.

Not sure if churning the soil a bit helped or the rise in heat when the humidifier ran out of water again(I think this one strain might like higher heat but that's just a theory for now).

Before: IMG_0346.JPGUn-churned soil IMG_0340.JPGKeeping in mind that this plant was also droopy with 82F and 10% humidity average.

After:IMG_0353.JPGChurned soilIMG_0355.JPG


Active Member
Take the pictures when the lights are off utilizing the camera flash..we cant see shit with those LED spectrums..listen to the guy with einstien avatar he has given you good advice so far...Do not post a journal until like your third grow, as much as i hate to admit it, the people here will rip you apart over in that section cause they all think they are gods gift to growing..and dont go around trying to lose up the soil the droopy leaves are from overwatering not lack of oxygen you might fuck up a root dicking with the soil...you only need to water those litle fuckers like once a week
Well, I'll see if I fucked up the roots soon enough since I just loosened the soil on all of them but I don't go ape shit when I do it, I just run by meat thermometer along the edge and push the soil around a little, I don't touch more than the outter inch.

Also I've taken several pictures with the plants away fromt he LED now ^^

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
It looks good bro. Don't worry about the roots, you didn't hurt them. It looks like it's getting through the droopiness. Little by little. If you did hurt the roots your plant would go into a little bit of shock and you would see the difference right away.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
that light replaces a 400 watt hps expect 4 to 6 ounces at best..
Is that per plant or his entire harvest? I'm curious to know because I really want to experiment with red blue LEDs. From what I hear, the plants absorb it at a much more efficient rate. Do you have a lot of experience with them?


Active Member
Is that per plant or his entire harvest? I'm curious to know because I really want to experiment with red blue LEDs. From what I hear, the plants absorb it at a much more efficient rate. Do you have a lot of experience with them?
Considering that with a 600w hps I've heard of people getting 14oz from a plant I'm guessing that he means per plant unless he's just talking extreme worst case scenario with me being a new grower and such. From what I do know of this, unless I manage to stupid it up and not bring my plants to optimum health by the flowering stage, I should not get less than 12 oz(from this harvest). I obviously can't say that with 100% certainty since this is my first grow but I'm trying my best to stay on top of any issues that arise and adjust my humidity, temperature and watering schedule. I just hope that I can perfect those things and bring these up healthy. If these plants do well under a little more heat then I may just have to fill my humidifier with warm water so it doesn't lower the temp so much.

Oddly I could not find PH strips at Lowes, Home Depot or Canadian Tire.. I guess I will have to grab them the next time I go to the hydro shop. I was also unable to find an air stone, from what I read though, those may be at pet stores since they're used in aquariums.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Do you have a smoke shop around your house? I'm positive you can find pH tests there. Dude that's a lot of weed. :D I'm stoked to try them as soon as I get one.


Active Member
Dude that's a lot of weed. :D I'm stoked to try them as soon as I get one.
Again I'm not speaking from experience so I cannot say for sure but going on what I've been told from people and the methods I plan on growing with, the only thing standing in the way of me getting at least 12 oz is beginner mistakes. That's why I'm asking so many questions in this section is so I can try to back-pedal on any mistakes I do make and correct them asap. If I can minimize the damage my mistakes do on the path to flowering and beyond then I should be able to at least score a decent yield for a beginner.


Active Member
Ooooo. That sucks. Well I hope you find some. Haha
Actually I'm not currently a smoker but I'm considering trying some of my own stuff to see if rumours are true that it can help with ADHD and such.
I looked over my plants today, they are still somewhat perky IMG_0360.JPG.
I am sure that I likely overwatered them as I looked over some videos on over/under watering and the difference is somewhat clear. In the under watered plants the leaf stem goes limp, in over watered plants the leaf just goes limp. Despite the soil seeming pretty dry at this point the stems are still pretty stiff and the leaves are still perky on most the plants(as seen in the pic). So I will leave the plants until they show signs of being under watered then I will water them less than I have previously.

Side note, never look up videos on youtube for watering MJ plants, 9/10 videos don't actually show anyone watering a plant. I seriously found one video "how much water does a marijuana plant need" and all he did in the video was show off his under watered plant, if I didn't know better I'd think he was asking the viewers...
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Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Pahahahahahahaa!!! That made me laugh. Well I can tell you for sure it will help you. Those strains right there will be killer to smoke. Just don't have any bugs or mold and you'll be just fine smoking that beautiful kush.