The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
interesting thing scientifically about the zodiac is if u line em all up in the sky as they are meant to be then the sting of the tail of the scorpion is exactly where the centre of our own galaxy is, the galactic core, yes im baked


Well-Known Member
Whats everyones opinions on defoliating the fan leaves for last week of flower to allow more light thru to bottom buds?


Well-Known Member
Just having a quick dried sample of the Gringo at 7 weeks exactly...........showing serious potential, just gotta get thru the last 2-3 weeks lol


Well-Known Member
yeh man them last 2 weeks u just wanna cut them down lol
ypu, especially when ive only had about £50 of smoke over the last MONTH lol, had to chain meself to my desk to stop meself going all texas chainsaw massacre/US Postal service in there lmao


Well-Known Member
Just chopped the zlh at 8 weeks everything's really nice n plump had to check a few caylxs thinking they were seeds they were that swelled up...proper stinkin and frosty as fook...will make a nice cookie I'm sure


Well-Known Member
ah fuck been in flower 2 weeks tomorrow thats been fast 2 weeks lol on 8 week starin they gone mental no room in there i need to get some more boom only used the w8 once but seemed to fuck my plants up a bit ive had it about a year so prob why but cant get none till tuesday nowSDC12471.JPG SDC12472.JPG


Well-Known Member
@ghb, lool
Monday, May 4th 2015 7AM 10°C 10AM 11°C 5-Day Forecast
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Thought for the day

Monday 4 May 2015

The result of next week's British General Election is, agree the experts, impossible to predict. So, here's a contest that's too close to call. No logical process will shed light on it. Surely then, this is the ideal time to call upon mystical means of divination? Perhaps so, if you believe in predestination. But all the forecasting I do, presupposes the existence of free will. Astrologer's must empower their clients to negotiate with fate. We should all see the cosmos itself as a democratic institution, not a dictatorship. That raises a fascinating possibility. I shall explain this tomorrow.

I've got lots to say about the new Princess here.
Your Zodiac Forecast
Aries Back to top
Daily Forecast
You can't remember everything. You can't be expected to consider every detail and allow for the consequence of every choice. Nor do your superpowers include an ability to fix any inadvertent omission. And it's not just you who can't do the impossible. The world is full of such folk. The only ones who sometimes can achieve it, are the ones who temporarily forget that they can't - and they rarely last long. So, let yourself off the hook and don't push yourself too hard this week. But don't entirely give up on the impossible, either. Now, have you heard about the new Astro-Alert system? It sends you an email each time something in your personal birth chart is live, loaded or a liability. I've been researching and designing this amazing astrological service for eight years. Finally it's available for you to try... for free. Just join the free trial of the 5 Star Service here. (And get your new May audio/video forecast too)
Taurus Back to top
Daily Forecast
Once, telephone calls were pleasing to receive. The bell would tinkle cheerfully and we would rush to answer, happy to hear a friendly voice on the line. And even if we got the occasional sales call, we could at least complain about the interruption and say, 'no' to the intrusive nuisance. Now, robots rule the world and they pester us all. If one calls you today, it might say, 'Congratulations! You have been selected to take part in a week that restores your faith in human nature and your sense of power over apparent inevitability.' Now, have you heard about the new Astro-Alert system? It sends you an email each time something in your personal birth chart is live, loaded or a liability. I've been researching and designing this amazing astrological service for eight years. Finally it's available for you to try... for free. Just join the free trial of the 5 Star Service here. (And get your new May audio/video forecast too)



Well-Known Member
So whats everyones opinions on defoliating fan leaves for last week of flower then to allow light thru to bottom buds etc?