First time grower


i was gonna give scroging a go this year but tbh i wasnt setup quite right for it and decided to stick to training with nylon and twist ties and making bushes and antlers a friend of mine on here fishdeth is the man at scrogging and hes only on his second grow,experiment bro,but those mates of yours will guide you in the right direction with there experince

yeah ive been thinking of different things, i may try the sea of green later down the road i just wanna get a crop or two in before i try to maximize yeild and all that jazz

any tips on keeping the RH around 45-50%


got some new goodies today! a new air cooled inline dual hood, a 1000w bulb and a new carbon / extraction fan, id say my plants are bout to take off


Well-Known Member
ohk i dont mean to sound daft but do you have a 1000w ballest to? ive dreamd of having a electronic ballest the things i could grow expecail swaping from running a 400w to a 600w


Well-Known Member
yes, i got a deal on a 1000wbulb+ballast and carbon filter
Nice! Just got me a 1000w shps 2 weeks ago and what a hell of a difference flowering makes vs 400watts of hps. I recommend you get a nice pair of sunglasses or you will leave the grow room with massive headaches :blsmoke: