I have not been here in 3 years, and left because of constant bickering, without moderation. Just a few points -

GG4 has been tested up to 32% THC.
Many growers get 1000 grams from a 1K light (probably even more with the new Gavita DE's), 30 day grow, 60-65 flower. Know some that get 1500 grams.
Indoors, can get 6 harvests a year, and control everything.
I know of expert growers mislabeling GG4 (accidentally) and passing out cuts. Would imagine there are disreputable people cashing in on its name.

Biggest problem with outdoor grows, other than time, insects, deer, neighbors etc., is satellites and drones. There are limits to how many can be grown legally, in most legal states?

One question for unspecified. Has any of your outdoor bud won a cannabis cup award?

That is my opinion, from researching. Also, I am not brown nosing hammerhead. I am sure he likes unspecified more than I.

FYI - I will not waste my time replying to verbal diarrhea. I have a life.
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I have not been here in 3 years, and left because of constant bickering, without moderation. Just a few points -

GG4 has been tested up to 32% THC.
Many growers get 1000 grams from a 1K light (probably even more with the new Gavita DE's), 30 day grow, 60-65 flower. Know some that get 1500 grams.
Indoors, can get 6 harvests a year, and control everything.
I know of expert growers mislabeling GG4 (accidentally) and passing out cuts. Would imagine there are disreputable people cashing in on its name.

One question for unspecified. Has any of your outdoor bud won a cannabis cup award?

That is my opinion, from researching. Also, I am not brown nosing hammerhead. I am sure he likes unspecified more than I.
You may be the only one here other than hammerhead that knows wtf your talking about, I have never seen so much bickering and bragging on any MJ site anywhere, it was funny at first but after 3 pages of total bull shit I had to set up a account just so I could post this, wow
I have not been here in 3 years, and left because of constant bickering, without moderation. Just a few points -

GG4 has been tested up to 32% THC.
Many growers get 1000 grams from a 1K light (probably even more with the new Gavita DE's), 30 day grow, 60-65 flower. Know some that get 1500 grams.
Indoors, can get 6 harvests a year, and control everything.
I know of expert growers mislabeling GG4 (accidentally) and passing out cuts. Would imagine there are disreputable people cashing in on its name.

Biggest problem with outdoor grows, other than time, insects, deer, neighbors etc., is satellites and drones. There are limits to how many can be grown legally, in most legal states?

One question for unspecified. Has any of your outdoor bud won a cannabis cup award?

That is my opinion, from researching. Also, I am not brown nosing hammerhead. I am sure he likes unspecified more than I.

Not even close. I have already stated my feelings about this LEGEND IN HIS OWN MIND GUY LOL...

I don't normally post in here for the same reasons Zatoichi stated. There's always at least 1 that thinks there some grow god. I only have this account to help those getting bogus info from others here that don't know what there talking about. At least I can get the proper info posted. Nice to see ya over here JW but I'm not stayin.. I wouldn't have even responded had he not tried to insult me. That's all I need to post I'm coming home Stella lol..
FYI - JW and HH selflessly give their time everyday, identifying the real GG4. I do not know the stats, but I would guess it is at least 20% false. It is easily accomplished fraud, or mistakes by mislabeling.
FYI - JW and HH selflessly give their time everyday, identifying the real GG4. I do not know the stats, but I would guess it is at least 20% false. It is easily accomplished fraud, or mistakes by mislabeling.

Besides giving a gift to the public domain, to help the patients and little guys that need it, to make their lives better.
Man you all can grow major weed. Indoors looks so frosty as hell and those huge outdoor plants are amazing.

But I need to be a bro here because your grows are stressing you dudes out! I understand this thread is about who has the biggest dick but the thread is is not about WHO IS THE BIGGEST DICK.

Get over yourselves even though you grow great buds I wouldn't even smoke with you cause you would annoy me.

Just a shitty new growers opinion.

You may be the only one here other than hammerhead that knows wtf your talking about, I have never seen so much bickering and bragging on any MJ site anywhere, it was funny at first but after 3 pages of total bull shit I had to set up a account just so I could post this, wow
What's up brother Im growing gg4 right now , It's my first run with the strain. .. are you the creator?
He is. Doubt he will be back here. He is personally offended by fake cuts ruining his works name.

I hope he does not mind me mentioning, but HammerHead is the grower of the bud that won the 2014 Cannabis Cup in LA.
That sucks, I wanted to talk to him... hammerhead is a very skilled grower, that doesn't surprise me...
He is. Doubt he will be back here. He is personally offended by fake cuts ruining his works name.

I hope he does not mind me mentioning, but HammerHead is the grower of the bud that won the 2014 Cannabis Cup in LA.
see .... i wish a comment would have been made about the fucking michigan cup gorilla glue.. i don't feel its the same ..or the cuttings they released aren't the true JW gorilla glue 4 ... id be pissed too... its irritating when everyone states they have this and that and unless you have received the cut from the source or a very reliable source that can trace it back you shouldn't be saying its this or that.. that was my whole argument.. i wasn't wiling to call the michigan cup "gorilla glue" ... gorilla glue #4...... it didnt share the exact same grow style and characteristics of the JW cut... which back to my original statement IMOP is why they didn't enter it as gorilla glue #4.. but what do i know......