Why are living spaces so nice in TV shows/movies....


Active Member
Ok first off I admit I'm not baked, hell I haven't smoked weed in nearly a decade but I am currently growing some, might sample it.

To the point however, why are low income living spaces in tv shows and movies so damned nice. In the last episode of Arrow, Thea Queen goes to visit Roy Harper in this town that he's run off to and she walks into his house and states that it's "charming" I'm guessing sarcastically as Roy replies "it's just a sublet, I won't be here for much longer". As if to downplay it and yet it's actually a really nice place, I'd kill to have a place like that to myself.
Then there's the biggest culprit, Spiderman, Peter Parker lives in this great apartment with it's own balcony, how exactly does he afford that with his only income being from taking pictures of Spiderman... I mean are things different that way in the states or what?

It just bothers the piss outta me cuz as a low income individual I've always gotta rent these small fuckin bedrooms, I can't even afford to live on my own.


Active Member
one word, television..
Just wish there was a little more truth in tv/movies when it comes to low income living. It gets glorified and that's just wrong. The people that are better off should get a good view of how low income people really live(in tiny bedrooms often in basements sometimes bug infested .etc).


Active Member
That's homeless life, that's well known about and most people don't care because the homeless have a stigma of being drunks, druggies and lazy folk that don't want to work for a living. I'm talking about low income, those of us below the poverty line that have a place to live(barely). Hypothetically Peter Parker should be living in a tiny bedroom apartment, not in a slightly dingy apartment with a decent view in the city to boot, that kinda place in Toronto would go for at least 800 a month(+ hydro) just because it's in the city. Sides, I'm not talking about documentaries that people watch just so they can feel bad about something other than their own lives. I mean popular tv/movies, the things that people actually idolize, if it's on there more people see it and take it seriously despite it being fake.


Well-Known Member
That's homeless life, that's well known about and most people don't care because the homeless have a stigma of being drunks, druggies and lazy folk that don't want to work for a living. I'm talking about low income, those of us below the poverty line that have a place to live(barely). Hypothetically Peter Parker should be living in a tiny bedroom apartment, not in a slightly dingy apartment with a decent view in the city to boot, that kinda place in Toronto would go for at least 800 a month(+ hydro) just because it's in the city. Sides, I'm not talking about documentaries that people watch just so they can feel bad about something other than their own lives. I mean popular tv/movies, the things that people actually idolize, if it's on there more people see it and take it seriously despite it being fake.
This thread just collapsed my brain.

Dont bother trying your smoke, you dont need it lol

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
That's homeless life, that's well known about and most people don't care because the homeless have a stigma of being drunks, druggies and lazy folk that don't want to work for a living. I'm talking about low income, those of us below the poverty line that have a place to live(barely). Hypothetically Peter Parker should be living in a tiny bedroom apartment, not in a slightly dingy apartment with a decent view in the city to boot, that kinda place in Toronto would go for at least 800 a month(+ hydro) just because it's in the city. Sides, I'm not talking about documentaries that people watch just so they can feel bad about something other than their own lives. I mean popular tv/movies, the things that people actually idolize, if it's on there more people see it and take it seriously despite it being fake.
Time to move under the grid zueefer, I am. save a few duckets, like those people in the documentary. Free electric!

maybe go into show business, make your own television.

you can do public access cable. make your desk out of milk crates and an old door.


Well-Known Member
That's homeless life, that's well known about and most people don't care because the homeless have a stigma of being drunks, druggies and lazy folk that don't want to work for a living. I'm talking about low income, those of us below the poverty line that have a place to live(barely). Hypothetically Peter Parker should be living in a tiny bedroom apartment, not in a slightly dingy apartment with a decent view in the city to boot, that kinda place in Toronto would go for at least 800 a month(+ hydro) just because it's in the city. Sides, I'm not talking about documentaries that people watch just so they can feel bad about something other than their own lives. I mean popular tv/movies, the things that people actually idolize, if it's on there more people see it and take it seriously despite it being fake.
Because the only lower income workers Hollywood knows are the ones that sell drugs on the side and have decent money and a decent place to stay.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Isn't that what they call reality TV today ha!
Reality tv isn't reality.. It's some prettied up actors/actresses given a script and told to act like it's reality by bitching a lot. The show survivor is a fuckin joke, the only "survivor" factor in that show is the glorified popularity contest and that's all that most reality shows are.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Reality tv isn't reality.. It's some prettied up actors/actresses given a script and told to act like it's reality by bitching a lot. The show survivor is a fuckin joke, the only "survivor" factor in that show is the glorified popularity contest and that's all that most reality shows are.
I must admit to being TV deprived.