Leaves were eaten by unknown bugs and extremely tiny bugs in coco coir


Last night i found that extremely tiny bugs were crawling in the coco soil. The coco coir soil was always wet and it even could not be dry. The other one is just okay in soil but both of their leaves were eaten by unknown bugs i and even could not find them in my eyes.
Pleas help. My magnifying glass is on its way and the leaves are suffering from problems.
The following pics are the eaten leaves.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
There's always home depot. Whatever works for tomatoes will work for weed. Just don't spray too much. And always put a blanket of some sort over your soil, or your case coco.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
After you foliar the leaves can you transplant? Then just dispose of the coco and start a new pot, before that spray your new coco down. Wait couple hours before putting in the plant. Or good luck on whatever you do. Looks like infestation.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
How often do you water? I don't know much about coco. But your grow medium should not be ALWAYS wet. Wait till it drys up hood enough. For week 3+ veg 2-3 days before you water again. Having it always moist attracts the bugs.


After you foliar the leaves can you transplant? Then just dispose of the coco and start a new pot, before that spray your new coco down. Wait couple hours before putting in the plant. Or good luck on whatever you do. Looks like infestation.
Hello, originally there are no bugs on my plants and this problem appeared just a week ago, just now I found some spider nets in my led grow light.
Insecticides are on the delivery two days later I will get them. I don't know what the hell was that which ate my leaves. You can't observe them by your eyes, I just don't know...


Have you ever tried hydroponics?
A lot of my friends they use Fox Farm and Advanced Nutrients for hydroponics but i think it's too expensive and a little bit complex because you need to check the p.h. and the ec everyday i guess, it will take you some time and hydro means more tools such as p.h.tester and ec tester and buckets.The fertilizer currently i'm using it's just $1 for the whole veg period. A set of hydro fertilizer is not cheap enough.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
  1. This is my first grow ever. I started with hydro. Its the easiest thing ever. PH is necessary like you said, but I use a pH liquid test. 16 bucks including pH up and pH down, by general hydro. Look up Oneness by Humboldt Nutrients. Its a one part base that has everything 3 parts have. Its around 15$. For veg and flower. Build a bucket ( $5 5 gallon bucket is available at home depot. Air stones and pumps, about $20 for all at pet store, including tubing and air stone. $1 net pot, $5 pebbles, 4 100 w equivalent cfl bulb, 11$ home depot. A good first hydro set under $70, unless you have some useable equipment laying around. Now tell me how that's not a good investment? Everything is reusable. Soil products are waste after waste. Wasting money on perlite, vermeculite,lime containers, bug killers, all have to be bought again after good run. Apposed to INVESTING in reusable hydro system. My friend, that is your hydroponics budget or cheapoponics budget. I spent more on nutrients, but so far, don't you think my time and money ( investment ) was well spent. I'm not that douche that is going to say, soil sucks. People have amazing yields with soil. Organic and all that good crap. Hydro is better for beginners. You grow knowledge about what plants eat, plant knowledge, automation, mess free, no bugs, that is if you maintain it clean and algae free and plenty more fun for you're amazing hobby. I didn't even mention the stress inevitable " when do I water " problem people can't rely on. "Lift it to make sure it weights less, then you water it. " said the stupid soil nerd. Like if he knows when the plants are thirsty, oh yeah, because he can TALK to them and they tell him. Get out of here. Just like old ways get replaced by technology, hydro is a new awesome garden technology. So why not adapt to water, which is our number one life source. Right? Of course I'm right. :) I have prior landscaping knowledge so I kind of incorporated some of that, but I'm sure if you at least try hydro In your near future, you will feel like the ultimate investor or " shark " as they refer them selves as. So get In the tank and prey on soil lovers!!! Hah jk my friend, you grow however you like. Just know that hydro will be there to welcome you with open arms.



  1. This is my first grow ever. I started with hydro. Its the easiest thing ever. PH is necessary like you said, but I use a pH liquid test. 16 bucks including pH up and pH down, by general hydro. Look up Oneness by Humboldt Nutrients. Its a one part base that has everything 3 parts have. Its around 15$. For veg and flower. Build a bucket ( $5 5 gallon bucket is available at home depot. Air stones and pumps, about $20 for all at pet store, including tubing and air stone. $1 net pot, $5 pebbles, 4 100 w equivalent cfl bulb, 11$ home depot. A good first hydro set under $70, unless you have some useable equipment laying around. Now tell me how that's not a good investment? Everything is reusable. Soil products are waste after waste. Wasting money on perlite, vermeculite,lime containers, bug killers, all have to be bought again after good run. Apposed to INVESTING in reusable hydro system. My friend, that is your hydroponics budget or cheapoponics budget. I spent more on nutrients, but so far, don't you think my time and money ( investment ) was well spent. I'm not that douche that is going to say, soil sucks. People have amazing yields with soil. Organic and all that good crap. Hydro is better for beginners. You grow knowledge about what plants eat, plant knowledge, automation, mess free, no bugs, that is if you maintain it clean and algae free and plenty more fun for you're amazing hobby. I didn't even mention the stress inevitable " when do I water " problem people can't rely on. "Lift it to make sure it weights less, then you water it. " said the stupid soil nerd. Like if he knows when the plants are thirsty, oh yeah, because he can TALK to them and they tell him. Get out of here. Just like old ways get replaced by technology, hydro is a new awesome garden technology. So why not adapt to water, which is our number one life source. Right? Of course I'm right. :) I have prior landscaping knowledge so I kind of incorporated some of that, but I'm sure if you at least try hydro In your near future, you will feel like the ultimate investor or " shark " as they refer them selves as. So get In the tank and prey on soil lovers!!! Hah jk my friend, you grow however you like. Just know that hydro will be there to welcome you with open arms.
Well, thank you for replying so many words. Firstly, i have to say that hydro is much more efficient and nutrients-saving than soil, that's true. As for me, two coco coir bricks and perlite are not more than 2 bucks. Hydro nutrients will cost me 50 bucks at least and the other equipment like buckets and testers will be more.
I have to say that indeed hydro is better than soil! What you said is damn right, but i just want to control the cost. I just compromised to save money.
Are you in the States?

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
Yes sir. Texas. Over priced bud here, so I resorted to learning this hell of a hobby. Ha. 2 dollar bricks? Damn, my hydro store is expensive.

Rolando Mendoza

Well-Known Member
I only have one right now. Looking to expand with HP's bulbs and a major tent upgrade. Its too risky around here man. Where you from? You running a bunch of plants?