Clone only strains


Well-Known Member
Man I drove to Cali for that cut. I had emailed all the guys with it and they said if I came out I could have it but no one would send it.
That story helped inspire my trip to Co, I tried my best to get something "elite". I had back ups, for back ups but I just didnt have enough time. I thought I would be able to get clones at a dispo. as a last resort. But it was way different than I had expected.

There was a totally different section of the room for us "rec only" folks. I never even saw a clone or a plant.

But honestly, as I was there having the fun, meeting the people and smoking them up on my own stash. It became less and less about the clones and more and more about enjoying the experience.

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
Who holds the actual cut?
Dhn has purple urkle that i just ran indoors and its spot on with what ive seen from other people it was awesome to leave one day and come back after a cold night and see it go from dark forest green to damn near completely dark purple almost jet black overnight i just harvested so ill post some pics after i trim it up smells like artificial candy grape and wildflowers this pic was week 5 i wanna say even tho i never really go off dates i harvest when atleast 50% of the trichs are starting to turn amber ive done some experimenting on when to harvest with the same strain going off of when what percentage of trichs are amber(this experiment was in an outdoor garden so indoors could be different) and in my personal opinion thats when you get the most flavor but all strains are different so its not 100% accurate just works best for me


Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member

I was discussing the Lee Roy in here with a couple folks. @BustinScales510 @kgp Those shots are 38+/- days flowering.
Lee roy is some of the best tasting og's ive ever had not to mention the potency was on point it had a burning rubber dead skunk and diesel fuel stank and taste i absolutely love have u tried ghost of lee roy? I was contimplating wether or not i should get it ive never seen or smoked ghost og except on here im definitely getting a pack of the lee roy tho


Well-Known Member
Lee roy is some of the best tasting og's ive ever had not to mention the potency was on point it had a burning rubber dead skunk and diesel fuel stank and taste i absolutely love have u tried ghost of lee roy? I was contimplating wether or not i should get it ive never seen or smoked ghost og except on here im definitely getting a pack of the lee roy tho
This is my first experience with Rare Dankness, this was a freebie.

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
My personal favorite out of the purple/grape strains is gorilla grape all the grape flavor and beautiful colors from the purple urkle(its mother) but way better yields and vegs/roots a lot faster the nugs are alot fatter not as dense but theyre definitely dense in theyre own right only down side is its highly pm susceptible this is when i was having pm issues but got it taken care of. same time as the P.U. but the PU vegged for 2.5 weeks and the Gorilla Grape didnt veg one day i over stocked and just threw her in therento flower and shes about the same size as the urkle and smells very similar but more sweet candy grape and less floral



Well-Known Member
There's pics in the thread I linked.

She's been good, easy to grow seems like a fairly light feeder and pretty sensitive. She didn't like my tea one bit I should have left he alone she wasn't asking for anything and I went and gave her a cheese burger anyways :)

I personally like the structure when I topped her she grew straight up with little side branching, she vegged pretty far from the light so she's a little stretched. Flower stretch was sizeable about 3x.

Stinky but hard to put a handle on what she's putting out this early, only 38 days roughly rock hard nugs. fat calyxes covered in frost. Can't complain at all for a free seed.

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
Yes, she's similar to Grape Ape, in growth, and structure. Urkle has a slightly better taste, and preferable effects, IMO. GDP still beats both of them though.

Nice to see you again :)
Have you tried gorilla grape i think its better then all 3 idk just all my experiences with gdp it smells woody, musky, and like lavender no grapes at all and it barely has any purple its probably kens or some other fake ass gdp i just wanna try a legit gdp and see if i still get the same reaction(im good on that)

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
There's pics in the thread I linked.

She's been good, easy to grow seems like a fairly light feeder and pretty sensitive. She didn't like my tea one bit I should have left he alone she wasn't asking for anything and I went and gave her a cheese burger anyways :)

I personally like the structure when I topped her she grew straight up with little side branching, she vegged pretty far from the light so she's a little stretched. Flower stretch was sizeable about 3x.

Stinky but hard to put a handle on what she's putting out this early, only 38 days roughly rock hard nugs. fat calyxes covered in frost. Can't complain at all for a free seed.
Hell yeah i got an 8th from harborside its still one of the best og's ive ever smoked sfv is the only one to top it and og is my main go to strain idk if it was that specific phenotype or if there all quite similar but if it turns out anything like what ive got youll be far from dissapointed i let my dad smell it and his face was priceless like what the fuck is that then he asks me "are you sure thats pot"? "it smells like someone stuck a dead skunk dipped in diesel fuel in a jar and said here you go" my stomach hurt after that so bad i couldnt stop laughing so hard

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
Heres an animal cookies seedling got found in a bag of some super fire from the local dispensary its the one my homie found i found 1 myself i just didnt label it like a jack ass so i have to flower out all the bagseeds i didnt label to find it. Its raging tho hopefully its female but i wouldnt be mad if it was male definitely gunna collect some pollen if it is looks like it'll be a female but i wont know for another couple weeks i got 9 fire og seeds not all from the same batch but if the animal is female im definitely gunna back cross it back to the fire og to see if i can boost the thc content without losing that cookie smell and flavor



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah i got an 8th from harborside its still one of the best og's ive ever smoked sfv is the only one to top it and og is my main go to strain idk if it was that specific phenotype or if there all quite similar but if it turns out anything like what ive got youll be far from dissapointed i let my dad smell it and his face was priceless like what the fuck is that then he asks me "are you sure thats pot"? "it smells like someone stuck a dead skunk dipped in diesel fuel in a jar and said here you go" my stomach hurt after that so bad i couldnt stop laughing so hard
When did you get the Lee Roy from harborside? :)