BUGS WTf help some sort of mites but weird


Active Member
what's up guys. Still fairly a newb have a few small successful indoor hydro grows. Noticed small black body looks like 8 legs walked on my 1 gal bucket and a small black thing size of a pin walking on the floor. Now what's weird to me is there is nothing growing yet. I germ and go straight into the bucket w clay so it's not like they're feeding. Except the first one I saw was on the little round leaf that comes out before the true leaves (which has spots on it but not sure if just from normal development ) I pulled the tap root out and Poured boiling water into the clay cleaned everything. This Am I see one walking on the lid. Sprayed bug stuff all around.

What do these sound like? What do I do? Flower area is super close and in her 5 week don't want these spreading but really wanna taste this new bean


Active Member
Okay I'll snap a pic next time I see one. There was only 1 after boiling water on the clay, cleaning and bug spray but still one and I'm sure gonna see more. Thanks guys... Half the reason I'm hydro is to avoid bugs


Active Member
Yeah dude there's nothing for them to be feeding off of. I soaked the clay in boiling water. I was baked before. I believe they have black/brown body with 4-6 legs and red head with 2-4 legs. When you squish them them leave a brown/red mark

sno capz

Well-Known Member
My opinion is it's a wood tick... Handle it before your grow turns into an incubation field for ticks


Active Member
What a tick!! Where could this be from? I've killed about 8 total they leave a brown mark. I see them no place else and nothing is growing yet. It's a 3x3x3 cubby that I have a piece of thin wood in front of in my bed room. Never saw a bug here before. Ugh. What should I do. Only thing in the cubby is lights. A bucket and air pump. I threw boiling water on the pebbles and let them soak

sno capz

Well-Known Member
You can probably buy an organic tick spray in most department and home improvement stores where you reside


Active Member
Yo so you bros really thinking these are ticks. I'm gonna ticking fire blast my whole room. This is 10ft from my bed.

What can I do

sno capz

Well-Known Member
I still think it looks like a tick... Spider mites are A LOT smaller! If it wasn't a stupid question to ask where you live then that would help in knowing what bugs are indigenous to your area