What can i do with my leftover stems?


I have a lot of extra stems saved up in a bag from high grade cannabis.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for what i could do with it?

I would hate to throw away perfectly good THC.


Make tea, very relaxing@
I've heard this suggestion several times, and i'm actually very interested.

Do you know how to go about this? I'm sure i could google it also, but i was wondering
if you knew how many grams or what increment it would require to make tea?

I have a quite a bit of stem just sitting around, but i'm not sure if i would have enough for tea


Well-Known Member
Pjust grind it up and see how much It takes, my mother in law loves it and i gpive her all my sfterharvest stems


I said fuck it and rolled a blunt out of most of it. I always have extras stems laying around though , aha.


Well-Known Member

I remember the days of taking a toothpick to the grinder in desperation for a hit, but smoking stems....!


Well-Known Member

There was this guy who would always come around and NEVER bring his own stash to smoke. One night we ground up a bunch of stem and packed a huge bowl in the gravity bong just for this guy. It was such a thick, almost yellow smoke. He ended up coughing his lungs out getting a huge headache and left....mission accomplished.

I'd never smoke stem...throw that shit out.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I use it for art. You can grind it up and make hemp paper out of it with a small window screen. My lady friend used a gourd and hemp stems to make a Rastafarian dude.
I have soaked them in alcohol for a week or so then evaporated the alcohol ...scrap out the remaining resin...smoke that...better than raw stem. You can gently ( and I mean gently) heat the alcohol to speed up evaporation...and don't do it on a gas stove...right.