Islam: Evil or misunderstood


Well-Known Member
Well how bout you back it up instead of just saying again?
And if you gonna talk shit on a religion you need to back it up otherwise you sound like some ignorant ass.

I did back up my point on Islam. Which was the subject of this thread. You tried turning this discussion into something it was not. If you wish to have a thread "to talk shit on religion" then open one up. So now really, don't you sound like the "ignorant ass"?

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I did back up my point on Islam. Which was the subject of this thread. You tried turning this discussion into something it was not. If you wish to have a thread "to talk shit on religion" then open one up. So now really, don't you sound like the "ignorant ass"?
Actually using a comparison to make a point is widely used in debate/discussions so just by pointing out the similarities between something you don't like and and something you believe doesn't mean i was changing the subject, merely stating the obvious. . . . .sorry if you don't aggree, but i don't believe that makes me either ignorant or an ass.



Well-Known Member
Actually using a comparison to make a point is widely used in debate/discussions so just by pointing out the similarities between something you don't like and and something you believe doesn't mean i was changing the subject, merely stating the obvious. . . . .sorry if you don't aggree, but i don't believe that makes me either ignorant or an ass.

Thank you for demonstrating my point, sir.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Islam is an evil force.
Islam is an evil entity.

By WILLIAM FOREMAN, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 48 minutes ago

URUMQI, China - Police shut down the bustling bazaar in the capital of China's restive Muslim region of Xinjiang on Friday amid threats from an Islamic group that attackers might target buses, trains and planes during the Olympics.
The topic is: "Islam: Evil or misunderstood(?)". Your response is way out of bounds. All I will say is this, muslims do all kinds of things, in the name of religion. Killing innocent people is fine, if they think Mohammed would approve. Their culture is evil and insane.

Todays AP story is just another example of the evil that this thread is about.
This thread has nothing to do with Christian behavior. This thread is about muslim behavior.

I say again, Islam is an evil entity.
I did back up my point on Islam. Which was the subject of this thread. You tried turning this discussion into something it was not. If you wish to have a thread "to talk shit on religion" then open one up. So now really, don't you sound like the "ignorant ass"?
Could you point out where you even talked about your point? And citing what someone else said doesn't count.



Well-Known Member
Could you point out where you even talked about your point? And citing what someone else said doesn't count.


Let me explain it all, to you, again. The topic is simple: Is Islam evil or misunderstood? I said it was evil and sited a breaking news story to support my position, as an example of the evil.

You brought in other unrelated issues; which may make a good thread on their own. However, your unrelated issues are off the question of this topic. So I met the topic of discussion head on and you have destroyed the discussion with your off topic issues.

If you have anything more you wish to ask me, send it in a private message.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Let me explain it all, to you, again. The topic is simple: Is Islam evil or misunderstood? I said it was evil and sited a breaking news story to support my position, as an example of the evil.

You brought in other unrelated issues; which may make a good thread on their own. However, your unrelated issues are off the question of this topic. So I met the topic of discussion head on and you have destroyed the discussion with your off topic issues.

If you have anything more you wish to ask me, send it in a private message.
Right, and my position is that Islam isn't the evil, it's those that practice. So explain to me where i went off topic?
And if you could could you link that article you cited, i'd be interested in reading it.



New Member
Islam, like every religion, in substance is good. But like every religion, has its fondamentalistics. Speaking of women treatment, in theory the Bible too don't represent the women in a good way, but the interpretation and hidden modification of the Book hides this thing. The Koran is different becouse the Islam has no Pope or Hight Bosses, every one can be his priest, so there aren't hidden modification. All the books come from 2000yrs ago, remember that.
Nice try......the past is the past, and the future is the future. As for the now, all theory aside, muslims, in general :blsmoke:, consider women to be inferior creatures, compared to us men folk. If you want to be one of them, you probably will abide by this tenet, now, in the present. 1.61 billion of 'em can't be wrong, right?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but the point that blazin', poba, and I are all making is that the religion itself is not evil. It CAN'T be, it is intangible, it is ideas. What is "evil" is how it is practiced and interpreted. And that, let's be frank, is entirely a cultural thing. Are Japanese cultural practices evil because suicide is acceptable and women are also considered inferior (a common them through patriarchal societies)?

No, it is the MEN who believe, practice, and enforce these beliefs. Until you're able to separate out the idea from the action, you won't grasp what we're saying.


New Member
Thanks Med....I was just about to "put down" some contradicting arguments.....but now, no need. Your embracing of the contradicting argument speaks volumes, not that you're always wrong, just mostly.


New Member
the religion itself is not evil. It CAN'T be, it is intangible, it is ideas.

I have to go here, though. If God herself put down the framework for religion, you'd probably be right, unless she was "evil". But, to the best of my understanding, these "intangible ideas" came from the mind of man. To say what you have said, ideas can't be "evil", is to say that man can't be "evil".

Also noteworthy; the definition of "evil" you folks, the "evil" deniers, are clinging to seems to be a singular definition. Words often have multiple, loosely related meanings. Look it up, "evil".


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but the point that blazin', poba, and I are all making is that the religion itself is not evil. It CAN'T be, it is intangible, it is ideas. What is "evil" is how it is practiced and interpreted. And that, let's be frank, is entirely a cultural thing. Are Japanese cultural practices evil because suicide is acceptable and women are also considered inferior (a common them through patriarchal societies)?

No, it is the MEN who believe, practice, and enforce these beliefs. Until you're able to separate out the idea from the action, you won't grasp what we're saying.


Well-Known Member
Nice try......the past is the past, and the future is the future. As for the now, all theory aside, muslims, in general :blsmoke:, consider women to be inferior creatures, compared to us men folk. If you want to be one of them, you probably will abide by this tenet, now, in the present. 1.61 billion of 'em can't be wrong, right?
u still havent cited this


Well-Known Member
the religion itself is not evil. It CAN'T be, it is intangible, it is ideas.

I have to go here, though. If God herself put down the framework for religion, you'd probably be right, unless she was "evil". But, to the best of my understanding, these "intangible ideas" came from the mind of man. To say what you have said, ideas can't be "evil", is to say that man can't be "evil".

Also noteworthy; the definition of "evil" you folks, the "evil" deniers, are clinging to seems to be a singular definition. Words often have multiple, loosely related meanings. Look it up, "evil".
Aaahh.. so, the ccodiane wants to talk about semantics, eh? :twisted: I'm game, I did very well in that course.

Where would you like to start? With the word "evil", or maybe something a little more fundamental first?

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Aaahh.. so, the ccodiane wants to talk about semantics, eh? :twisted: I'm game, I did very well in that course.

Where would you like to start? With the word "evil", or maybe something a little more fundamental first?

hmmmmmm, Seamaiden VS. CC , hmmmmmmmmm. . . .. .i'll get the popcorn!!


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I'll be the first to admit, I have much more fun going toe-to-toe with medicine. His temper's so quick! I have YET to get a single fuck off from cc. :lol:
yeah i was reading a post of you two going at it!! I actually think i managed something of that nature from cc!!
