do you ever REALLY miss opiates?


Well-Known Member
I used to keep a carefully metered stash of everything. Morphine, oxygen, hydro, bits and tastes of this or that. Kept them for years. Had two bottles of the yellow tens, a thousand of them and they lasted years as well.

Four months ago (I guess) I just started in on them, something every day, every morning something different, soma and oxycodone one day, hydromorphone the next.

Ate or snorted everything I had sparingly, lovingly collected, all of it over a month or so, maybe more. Then I ran out. Gone. All of it.

A fallen man, I paid my nose runny, shitting, no comfortable place or position to sit or lay down, the world is so dull, dues.

The cravings left and I was fine.

But now I have a longing. Every morning. Doesn't last too long, it isn't miserable, I just miss them. Like that girlfriend, the good one, two women back. The one who rubbed your feet and made the perfect corn chowder and could do that thing with her tongue.

And you current girlfriend is coke, a demanding high maintainence little bitch but great in the sack and the one before was alcohol and she just never shut the hell up.
I used to keep a carefully metered stash of everything. Morphine, oxygen, hydro, bits and tastes of this or that. Kept them for years. Had two bottles of the yellow tens, a thousand of them and they lasted years as well.

Four months ago (I guess) I just started in on them, something every day, every morning something different, soma and oxycodone one day, hydromorphone the next.

Ate or snorted everything I had sparingly, lovingly collected, all of it over a month or so, maybe more. Then I ran out. Gone. All of it.

A fallen man, I paid my nose runny, shitting, no comfortable place or position to sit or lay down, the world is so dull, dues.

The cravings left and I was fine.

But now I have a longing. Every morning. Doesn't last too long, it isn't miserable, I just miss them. Like that girlfriend, the good one, two women back. The one who rubbed your feet and made the perfect corn chowder and could do that thing with her tongue.

And you current girlfriend is coke, a demanding high maintainence little bitch but great in the sack and the one before was alcohol and she just never shut the hell up.
Mine does that thing with her tounge and the corn chowder,at the same time:-)

No,don't miss opiates..after many years of abstinence,I ate a shitton of hydrocodone as you might remember for a tooth..
It was discouraging to say the least..
I thought to myself,self,for you to get high,it would take a fuckton of money in today's market,and,you couldn't stay high long,or die..

I miss my first shot of dillys..that's about all.
Pretty much out of that whole scene and no connects anymore. I missed them for a long time but would kill myself if I started back up. Even passed on some free Percs the other day. Bump, on the other hand, wellllllllI..... I might do a line or two if it was offered:)
Yeah I miss that moment when it seems like everything in the world is perfect as the shot hits is the bit I find myself craving.
I miss them so much I still do some just more careful withdrawals cold turkey on heroin was hell I liked snorting it better though never liked the needle much but damn do a line 5 minutes you feel that shit good.
I miss them because I know my pain would be sooooo relieved, at first...then it would move into a want/need then into addiction. That i cant be a part of. I LOVE the way i feel though damn. I sometimes wonder, on the rare occasion I take them, if this is how the rest of the world feels without pain....then I am glad I have strong will. I will grow poppies every year until I die though. Limited supply equates to short bursts of excessive use.

I always miss them for the first week or so, but getting spun out on PKs a lot is no good. Then the next time you get high you just feel like feel really really good but still always like shit on pks. That's part of the reason why i stopped doing them. Don't get me worng if i get a bottle of vicodin or percs for something i def dont take them for pain, i battle through the pain and nod a handfull of times off the bottle.
i havent taken these in a long time, do you guys even get good highs off them anymore? seriously i remember the first few highs were the only good ones after that they all sucked
not the way it went for me...
how did it go differently for you? i remember i took perc10s or half of an oc20 and the highs lasted the whole day when i started after that id take 30s and id be high for like 2 hours and just feel like shit after
how did it go differently for you? i remember i took perc10s or half of an oc20 and the highs lasted the whole day when i started after that id take 30s and id be high for like 2 hours and just feel like shit after
i was smoking 3 or 4 roxi 30s a day for 8 months and never really noticed much of a tolerance issue. if i were eating them i probably would have had a similar experience as you.
Only love making i did with my ex wife was with a ton of dilaudid. Shit have us in a dream, talkin sweet, maybe bout the future. Maybe the only time we were in love. Pop a few and lay in bed all day,put yo head on my chest and just lay

Opiates can give me a feeling of complete comfort and bliss.

Yea i miss em all the time. But i get em all the time so...
I went on a 3-4 day fent binge maybe 2 months ago. It almost got me sucked back in the opiate life, and the w/d after sucked! All it took was 4 days of using, maybe less, to feel like hell for at least 10 days after. I ended up with a lot of free fent, and testing a bit got me fuckkked up, and I just wanted it to last a little longer so kept doing more :D. It was dumb, but I didn't spend money and I stopped after a few days. Hopefully that doesn't happen again though. The worst part is I got the free fent from someone who had just got out of the hospital because they ODed and 'died' from it. How retarded am I :roll:
Never in a million fucking years . been off the shit and all big oharma meds since 02. Fuck big pharma. I never felt better ! Now when i get a pain in a body part i havnt felt for 25 years i celebrate ! Im not big pharmas sheepfuck any longer !
Do you feel the same sort of disdain for smaller pharmaceutical companies?

Or maybe you dont touch newer drugs like common antihistamines but first gens are ok? And even older medicines like willow or poppy are much better?
Or nothing at all
I have a family friend that is a religious extremist, nothing too crazy but thinks if you have a problem god wanted you to have it and learn. Refuses to take meds or go to check ups. Prolly wouldn't wear a seatbelt if not required by law. Rants on ocassion how they hurt more people.

I often wonder how these peoples minds come to these conclusions. Its quite absurd to me but i have been in this industry some time. Not about religion but that medical professionals are out to get you. It is possible i suppose. Im sure like some daycare workers it was their last option and even though they hate kids they took the job cause they needed a paycheck and fellback on it till something better comes along. And they hate those evil kids more than the last job at the retirement home

Do you feel the same sort of disdain for smaller pharmaceutical companies?

Or maybe you dont touch newer drugs like common antihistamines but first gens are ok? And even older medicines like willow or poppy are much better?
Or nothing at all
I have a family friend that is a religious extremist, nothing too crazy but thinks if you have a problem god wanted you to have it and learn. Refuses to take meds or go to check ups. Prolly wouldn't wear a seatbelt if not required by law. Rants on ocassion how they hurt more people.

I often wonder how these peoples minds come to these conclusions. Its quite absurd to me but i have been in this industry some time. Not about religion but that medical professionals are out to get you. It is possible i suppose. Im sure like some daycare workers it was their last option and even though they hate kids they took the job cause they needed a paycheck and fellback on it till something better comes along. And they hate those evil kids more than the last job at the retirement home

The christian scientifics...they're a legit christian church..there's one here in town,right beside the only synagogue... They believe in no modern cancer,pray,got aids,pray,got heart disease,pray...
They'll let their child die in front of them cause god want it to be so..
Sorry,one of the crazier god groupies out there..right up there with old school Pentecostal fuckers...
Any ways...

I miss waking up from a nod,and she's still sucking my dick...those were the BEST naps...