Rosin Tech

Bubble Hash for me Brother but I'm an all natural kinds of guy, well I smoke ciggarettes like a train but fuck it I got one physical life and I in it Brother why not be happy LOL. Do you welcome!
lower temps keeps most of the terpenes there.

Now a lot dumbasses that would normally blow themselves up or just dont have the equipment to make bho properly. Have a safe and cleaner way of getting shatter or wax.

lower temps / longer press - shatter

higher temps / shorter press - more waxy / sappy

I think its great. You can take the 25µ, 45µ, 160µ and turn it into 6 star full melt. The 190µ into 4-5 star ¾ melt. . With bubble the 73µ, 90µ, 120µ are the only screens that produce 6 star full melt. Turning the other screens into rosin ups your total return.

Pressing flowers is a great way to judge the quality of flowers too.
I also don't trust the way people clean their bho so when the dude from the coop told me about this I was highly skeptical but I took some hits and now they are making all my Rosin lololol. All I have to do is hand them the product and come back later lol. :D Works great for me because I don't have the time or patience to sit there with a straightener for 8 hours.
I also don't trust the way people clean their bho so when the dude from the coop told me about this I was highly skeptical but I took some hits and now they are making all my Rosin lololol. All I have to do is hand them the product and come back later lol. :D Works great for me because I don't have the time or patience to sit there with a straightener for 8 hours.
Damn 8 hours ?
Rosin is here to stay. Someone is going to figure out a commercially viable option and put bho out of business. A lot of pissed off people that bought $1,200+ cls systems. I love the stuff. Even press out contaminant piles from dry sift. I mean pure shit to pure gold. Gotta love that. Some bubble rosin next to some flower rosin. Flower on left.IMG_0656.JPG
I'd say fad till someone perfects it then maybe future but so many interesting things. Bubbleman in Jamaica they had a machine that vaped the buds and collected all the oils may be great if it retains the terpenes but it may taste like shit. I'm sure something will take over for BHO just what who knows? Would be nice to see what Rosin oil tests at though.
bout to give it my 1st go...
Tips for you brother, I forgot the temp but 20 seconds is key and lower temperature like 290?? shit man i've had a few long ilsands tonihgt and a few dabs. I will get you the right info bro but I got people that have been doing this for weeks now and I don't want you to get low yields and shitty quality I will get back to u green u tha man dude. ( thecouchlock says hi ;) )
Rosin is here to stay. Someone is going to figure out a commercially viable option and put bho out of business. A lot of pissed off people that bought $1,200+ cls systems. I love the stuff. Even press out contaminant piles from dry sift. I mean pure shit to pure gold. Gotta love that. Some bubble rosin next to some flower rosin. Flower on left.View attachment 3418379

You are so right brother, I amaving trouble typing right now btu I will get back to you about this, they both look tasty as fuck and im sure they hit 100x better without the contaminents
I'd say fad till someone perfects it then maybe future but so many interesting things. Bubbleman in Jamaica they had a machine that vaped the buds and collected all the oils may be great if it retains the terpenes but it may taste like shit. I'm sure something will take over for BHO just what who knows? Would be nice to see what Rosin oil tests at though.
It is testing higher in thc content, and in the 15-20% terpene content. Pretty fucking good. And depending on press temp it is partially activated.
Fad or Future?

First I saw people doing straight nugs, now I have my buddy doing kief and bubble hash for me. Shit is amazing what do you guys think?

Future. Rosin is super legit. It's a safe way the average Joe can make their own shatter at their house with out safety risks or hefty investments. On top of all of that I've had some that's pretty damn good. Fucking awesome IMO.
Lol, dafuq? I just watched two hours of Rosin videos.. this isn't sensible for me tho...

85% cannabinoids. 7.218% terps by weight with a broad spectrum of terps. That holds up to the best of the best in any form of extract.

Looks like a pain in the ass to me. I'm not going to go out and make some, but I can't argue with the results.