Nice I used to own a 2.9 whipple cobra. I hope to pick up a zr1 one day.
Funny you say that about the vette ,,, Last winter i decided to add a Vette to my collection of toys lol actually purchased it for the wife Anniversary 20 years was looking on line for a decent one when i fell in love with one in a show room at a dealership used but mint and litterally brand new with no KM on it Zr1 motor carbon hood it flys litterally again like the the o4 cobra it sits in the garage being driven 2 -3 times a year haha Cobra has 3000 miles on it STOCK
the Vette has 8000 miles on it i picked it up of 64,000 The Calloway SC606 Vette has the roots supercharger @ 7 pounds boost 606 HP and 553 Ft pounds of torque first to pictures at dealership the day i took owner ship they trailered it to my place at there cost cause it was spring an snow still on the ground and other pic is when we took it out for its maiden voyage , its like being a movie star everywhere we went people were staring not every day you see a Calloway Vette or Zr1 on the road

picture of my cobra etc
and i will tell you guys a true wild story about this car
see when we got it home and parked in garage of course family n friends are over so showing them it and couple days later sitting in car listening to music owe yea wicked sound system ,, anyways these cars are fully electronic i mean push button key etc anyways i was in car and low n behold the fucking battery dies ...
I can not open doors period i was like WTF so i crawled into the back and eventually got out via back hatch
Let me tell you i was thinking one has to smash window to get out hahaha so after joinin some vette forums I found out how to get out thru door unreal hahaha
i wonder if that Sub could keep up