Morphine the next big home brew sensation!


Well-Known Member

Home-brewing could soon take on a more dangerous twist: Scientists have engineered brewer's yeast to synthesize opioids such as codeine and morphine from a common sugar, an international team reported on Monday.

"It is going to be possible to 'home-brew' opiates in the near future," Christopher Voight of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who was not involved in the research, told reporters.

The process described in Nature Chemical Biology is inefficient, requiring 300 litres of genetically engineered yeast to produce a single 30 milligram dose of morphine.

But with improvements that are well within reach, that dose could be obtained from "a glass of yeast culture grown with sugar on a windowsill," Voight said.

Yeast cells have been genetically modified to produce the yellow beet pigment betaxanthin, which UC Berkeley researchers used to quickly identify key enzymes in the production of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs), the metabolites in the poppy plant that could lead to morphine, antibiotics and other pharmaceutical agents. (William DeLoache/UC Berkeley)

For centuries, morphine and other opioids have been the go-to drugs for pain relief. But their molecular structure is so complex, they are isolated or manufactured from compounds in plants, such as opium poppies. Chemists have never been able to produce them from off-the-shelf components.

Scientists, however, recently reported engineering yeast to carry out the second part of the 15-step opioid-producing reaction. What remained was just the hurdle of coaxing yeast to carry out the first part.

That is what scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, and Concordia University in Montreal have accomplished.

Crucial enzyme from sugar beets
The researchers, led by John Deuber at the University of California, Berkeley, isolated a crucial enzyme from sugar beets, mutated its gene to make it more productive, and slipped it into yeast.

They then added more foreign DNA and achieved their goal: the yeast carried out the first half of the reaction that produces opioids.

An Afghan farmer works on a poppy field collecting the green bulbs swollen with raw opium, the main ingredient in heroin. The molecular structure of opiates is so complex that chemists have never been able to produce them from off-the-shelf components. (Rahmat Gul/Associated Press)

Combined with the earlier recipe for the rest of the reaction, said Dueber, "it's now a matter of linking (the steps) together and scaling up the process."

Outside scientists agreed, and expressed alarm over that prospect.

Although additional DNA tweaks could produce yeast that synthesize cheaper, less addictive, and more effective pain-killers, the creation of morphine-making yeast could dramatically increase access to illegal opiates, which have caused a scourge of addiction in many communities.

The study, which the authors alerted colleagues to before publication, could make illegal drugs "easy to grow, conceal and distribute," with little more than a home-brew beer-making kit, policy analysts warned in an accompanying commentary.

The analysts called for policies to regulate engineered-yeast strains, such as confining them to licensed facilities.

But the cat may be out of the bag. With the recipe for opiate-producing yeast now public, Dueber said, "anyone trained in basic molecular biology could theoretically build it."


Well-Known Member
you can buy all the poppy seeds you could ever need at sacred seeds.
Why would anyone want to brew "fake shit " ???

They always have to fuck with something in order to make it their own!


Well-Known Member
you can buy all the poppy seeds you could ever need at sacred seeds.
Why would anyone want to brew "fake shit " ???

They always have to fuck with something in order to make it their own!
Its not fake... thats the point

And theres a lot of benefits that could come from it...

Two headed coin for sure


Well-Known Member
"engineered brewer's yeast to "synthesize opioids"
"requiring 300 litres of genetically engineered yeast to produce a single 30 milligram dose of morphine."

it's engineered to be "theirs".

Its as fake as the MMJ pills they sell.


Well-Known Member
requiring 300 litres of genetically engineered yeast to produce a single 30 milligram dose of morphine-that's a little too much for too little.


Well-Known Member
requiring 300 litres of genetically engineered yeast to produce a single 30 milligram dose of morphine-that's a little too much for too little.
But if you believe them they are close to drasticly reducing the amount of yeast needed to ferment the morphine. Does that mean they are months away from that or years? Who knows. Who would buy unknow opioids when you can brew up a little of your own. I understand gb's concern but doubt it will sway many daily users if the cost and ease of making it come down.


Well-Known Member
But if you believe them they are close to drasticly reducing the amount of yeast needed to ferment the morphine. Does that mean they are months away from that or years? Who knows. Who would buy unknow opioids when you can brew up a little of your own. I understand gb's concern but doubt it will sway many daily users if the cost and ease of making it come down.
it's so cheap to get these by prescription. here in BC, after you spend a certain amount on medications, you get the reast for free. it's based on your income so if i can get something for free instead of put a whole bunch of work into it, then it is
this comes out in great time for our case....does that mean Rona will want to regulate the sale of yeast?


Well-Known Member
it's so cheap to get these by prescription. here in BC, after you spend a certain amount on medications, you get the reast for free. it's based on your income so if i can get something for free instead of put a whole bunch of work into it, then it is
this comes out in great time for our case....does that mean Rona will want to regulate the sale of yeast?
I'm thinking this will have greater effect on the junkie market not the medical user side. People will be dealing gmo yeast that turns itself into morphine. Scary thought. The implications are huge.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking this will have greater effect on the junkie market not the medical user side. People will be dealing gmo yeast that turns itself into morphine. Scary thought. The implications are huge.
very true...can you imagine going from store to store because all the yeast was gone??
i didn't think of the junkie angle..good point. i saw a video a long time ago where a girl made meth in a parking lot from stuff she bought at the drug store. didn't get much but still blew my mind that it was that easy


Well-Known Member
very true...can you imagine going from store to store because all the yeast was gone??
i didn't think of the junkie angle..good point. i saw a video a long time ago where a girl made meth in a parking lot from stuff she bought at the drug store. didn't get much but still blew my mind that it was that easy
So called shake n bake meth. Think about it if they make it much more efficient no more need for afghani, Pakistan or Mexican heroin. The owners will corner the opioid bm really quick.


Well-Known Member
But if you believe them they are close to drasticly reducing the amount of yeast needed to ferment the morphine. Does that mean they are months away from that or years? Who knows. Who would buy unknow opioids when you can brew up a little of your own. I understand gb's concern but doubt it will sway many daily users if the cost and ease of making it come down.
Drug addicts would buy unknown anything if they think it'll get them high.


Well-Known Member
Drug addicts would buy unknown anything if they think it'll get them high.
Yep and if they have the choice to buy a known entity and make as much as they require for their addiction over nasty black shit that is totally unknown I bet they take the known entity everytime unless they are trying to od or the black shit cost substantially less.