lighting a blunt


Well-Known Member
OK so mmm... I see the word blunt and my mouth waters... I love em. Love rollin' em, smokin' em... I could just hold one for awhile in my arms. hahah anyways, I don't use less than 2 g's per blunt and will even cut down the blunt wrap paper to get the roll just right to combat against running. Hell sometimes you end up with two blunt papers and you can roll 2 skinny's. I reserve blunts for when I'm smokin' the home grown. Oh yea and I also am a Royal Blunts kinda guy, and have had problems with the glue not sticking completely. If it is falling apart before you light it, you might as well try that shit again because it's going to be one of the worst times ever when you're just tryin to get high and the blunt won't stick together.


Well-Known Member
maybe this is a better question, when you hit your blunt, does it look like the cherry portion or tip portion is running...i check the folds to look for loose holes..anyone?


Well-Known Member
check it, just rolled a swisher, prolly less then a gram, prolly like .8. shit ran fine. no cherry problems. didnt look like it was running. boom. put it out. boom. end of story


Well-Known Member
fucking a man swishers are it when it comes to rolling a blunt. phillies are like wood compared too a swishers feel. ive basically fucked swisher papers in the ass and was able to roll a nice blunt. you can do anything to the paper and it doesnt rip. you can roll it, unroll, re roll, unroll again, and re roll..idk im high


Well-Known Member
i like using wraps over dutches,game,ect.the wraps burn smoother,taste better and less polutents being inhaled.wraps are great bc u can get them in many flavors,and if you practice enough with rollin a wrap,you can roll it so it looks like a norm cigar that smokes,burns and ash like tight they wont burn properly,too loose and you will get a mouthfull of weed and it will burn quick.but when you roll them just right they will burn slowly smoke greatly and be the envy of who smokes with you,bc they compliment on how good it hits ect.rollin a perfect 1-3g blunt can take between 1min to 5 if it doesnt want to cooperate.the way i get them to work for me is to unroll the wrap and roll it opposite with the straw a few times to make the wrap perfectly flat and level,then filler up and tuck and roll and seal,close one end off with a little opening to puff out of,seal the whole thing with a little saliva,the key is to learn how much saliva will seal it with out being to much,the less you use the fresher the wrap is.


Well-Known Member
Ok so these are my thoughts on the whole blunt rolling thing.

If its a blunt wrap(out of an airtight package usually flavored) than I roll it like a joint. I start in the middle, tighten it up then tighten the ends. Usually the right then left(idk y it just works for me).

If its a cigar or a cigarillo that has been cleaned out(cut/torn open and taken out all the tobacco) I will start on the left side and tighten towards the right, licking the fold and the top so that they are somewhat sticking together and forming a tight seal.

Once all the way down and fully tight and sealed I will either A:let is sit and dry for a bit(preserves flavor) or B: use a lighter and run the flame up and down the blunt while spinning it in my fingers for all sides.

Lighting: I hold the flame still and get the tip of the blunt at the very top of the blue section of the flame(hottest portion) and spin it slowly so that all sides get lit up and burn evenly. You can pull the blunt out and check to see if its started burning yet by blowing lightly on the end. If it is gettin red and smokin, START PUFFIN!!!

I've never had any troubles rolling/lighting blunts this way. I also use the same method for joints. If your a visual learner like myself sorry for not putting in any pics.