Do i need 'Roots Excelurator' for dampening off?


Well-Known Member
Just a few niggles with couple seedlings getting slight dampening off, after soil dries couple times their fine. Probably my laziness at sterilizing pots, grow stuff and old bottles of random organic stuff past its sell by.

I really dont want to have to get anally sterilized and after reading a million threads thought that h&g's Roots excelurator might be the ticket. It says to kill pythium and the other culprits as well as kick your newly germinated seeds into overdrive.

All this sounds appealling and for once i really believe the hype but is this going to take care of those minor cases of dampening off?

Im just guessing pythium or root rot fungi are starting to get a hold in my promix and this seems an obvious solution. Pretty much going to have a bottle by weekend and id pay double the price if it does what it says its meant to.


Well-Known Member
Always 50% rh and 21 to 24 °c with slight drop at lights out.

I can change this but dont see that this would help much.


Well-Known Member
You might try adding a couple drops of PondZyme, much cheaper and you can get it from petstore/walmart. The stuff is SUPER concentrated, so be careful. I like Roots Excell and it probably would also help, but that shit is way too pricey.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good
I nay think its my environment at fault more my laziness and over the months pythium or some rot fungus is getting a hold. Some seem to run slightly higher temps but i find my veg room averages this with little adjustment, that and im lazy sometimes.

Just thinking Roots Excel might have prevented this long term.

You might try adding a couple drops of PondZyme, much cheaper and you can get it from petstore/walmart. The stuff is SUPER concentrated, so be careful. I like Roots Excell and it probably would also help, but that shit is way too pricey.
Thanks, money is no problem and glad to hear it will probably work, in time i might seek cheaper alternatives but Roots Excel gets one of the best product reviews ive ever read so ill order that first.


Personally, I hate to say it, but if you suspect Pythium, and they're only seedlings.

I'd scratch em, sterilize, start again.
Root rot is a bitch and it'll cause you headaches later.

Just my opinion.

Best of luck and by the way if your in soil, roots excel would be a great investment


Well-Known Member
Just a few niggles with couple seedlings getting slight dampening off, after soil dries couple times their fine. Probably my laziness at sterilizing pots, grow stuff and old bottles of random organic stuff past its sell by.

I really dont want to have to get anally sterilized and after reading a million threads thought that h&g's Roots excelurator might be the ticket. It says to kill pythium and the other culprits as well as kick your newly germinated seeds into overdrive.

All this sounds appealling and for once i really believe the hype but is this going to take care of those minor cases of dampening off?

Im just guessing pythium or root rot fungi are starting to get a hold in my promix and this seems an obvious solution. Pretty much going to have a bottle by weekend and id pay double the price if it does what it says its meant to.
root rot in soil? you should only have this problem in hydro. even then it is better to fix the cause of the problem than to treat it.


Well-Known Member
If i go to my local hardware plant section they have hundreds of plants. Most are impressively healthy but root around and there are the odd unsold and neglected ones that you can find everything from mildew to pythium. I have many things from there so no problem in bringing that home i.e. the source but the healthy plants at the garden centre had no problem fighting of those diseased plants right next to them.

I just want to invest in a healthy root zone and hope roots excelurator does this for my promix, it does seem heavily used for planting/germinating in soil, promix, coco etc even to the point it cures any problems or probably the reason they never had one, people swear by this stuff and similar products.
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Well-Known Member
root rot in soil? you should only have this problem in hydro. even then it is better to fix the cause of the problem than to treat it.
I say rot but milder, purple collar at base of stem, smaller root system, wilting at midday, slow. I can only link it to root zone probs and scratching my head if it aint as everything else is good. If i water it gets worse and if i give a few dry periods it improves rapidly. Id say overwatering but thats been totally eliminated, just seems like any kind of moisture is a problem. They grow out of it in week or so but things seem to get worse over the months. Pulled a few to wash roots and just looked small but still branched very little browning. Very ocassionally i get a seed rot after it breaks its shell that looks classic fungal brown root rot.

Some signs are there but its not full on in ya face and just causing a few to fail when young (till ive nursed them a root system and almost parched the soil of water once or twice). Just feels like im fighting somthing with the roots over time.

OG Gardenz

Active Member
I recommend using beneficial bacteria, trichoderma in particular. This has the ability to kill pythium even in a hydro system! Roots Excel only works in a anaerobic environment. When you have a healthy root zone Roots Excel value is little to none. Fixing something like root rot in this way is a bandage at best..


Well-Known Member
I recommend using beneficial bacteria, trichoderma in particular. This has the ability to kill pythium even in a hydro system! Roots Excel only works in a anaerobic environment. When you have a healthy root zone Roots Excel value is little to none. Fixing something like root rot in this way is a bandage at best..

I think what your saying makes sense, basically there are four things for soil - root stim, bacteria, fungi and amino acids.

I have Piranah by AN so i just need a bacteria to complement my roots excel. When did marijuana get so complicated geeeezzzz!!!

I disagree about the roots excel, been 48 hours and already can see a big difference, stuff literally amazing :-)