The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ages ago I saw on Potroast Potroasts wall sandbanks complaining their adverts weren't being displayed n when I went to check back the comments were deleted.. Like the one I left thanking him for nothing n sunny sorted me haha she should have his fucking job.


Well-Known Member
the timers fail safe, so when I put 3.5kw thru one it just melted to off, wanted to know how dangerous shit could get, I now run 1kw+ off a 600w timer with built in contactor and some melt other dont


Well-Known Member
funny how that 'your advert here' banners been on for donkeys eh...
Doubt the owner finds it funny..but heck Potroast is a genius I'm sure he's got other means of income cuz he can't run a site for shit! If he could run a business this place would have banners everywhere like the other grow forums...but alas all we gots unclebuttfuck


Well-Known Member
I'm the same relax, hardly come on anymore with the fukin mods messing with our thread, I was on almost every day for 4 years or so but now I barely check in on here once or twice a month.
We had a really good thing going here but the cunting mods have all but fucked it for most of us

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I doubt the owner has much input other than to say no buying/selling or trading, he's canadian, got the fear of being the next mark emery. if it was yank owned it'd be a multicolouredpotswapshop i'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Doubt the owner finds it funny..but heck Potroast is a genius I'm sure he's got other means of income cuz he can't run a site for shit! If he could run a business this place would have banners everywhere like the other grow forums...but alas all we gots unclebuttfuck
his shit never gets fucked with i get ya man i just wont let weapons like that put me off tho theirs dikheads everywere imo u just gotta learn to swerve the fuckers lol


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever pointed out to the mods that seeds are totally legal in UK and Ireland and so why is trading them such a problem.


Well-Known Member
yeah your right equality is a major problem here were its ok for some but not others it pisses me off when i see other threads with complete shit in them proper nasty shit n nufin happens but in uk thread well thats a different matter

its a shame their is nufin can be done i remember the talks a few months back when ideas came up of a site made by the people of this thread its a shame it never took off i would be willing to help with something like that then WE could make the so called RULES
bro its not forgot when harvest comes through il get a site up and built worth a blast