Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member

Here is their reply:
Coles' reply as follows:
High non-happy Coles customer! We’re terribly sorry you came across this at our joint. If this isn’t your thing, we have weed killer located on aisle 8. For your safety though, please steer clear of the pot section located in the kitchen wear aisle. Can we be stopped, yes we can-abbis… So thanks for bringing this to our attention. Mary Jane (Customer Relations)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
"Attempted equality"

What the fuck is wrong with squatting outside? I think the pee funnel is tarded.
Hell I will do you gals a favor and let you in on a secret: I sometimes take the cartoons to the toilet and sit for a little read while I have a piss, because comfort is how I roll. Besides, I'm not Jewish, a little drip dry to prevent zip blooms doesn't hurt lmfao


Well-Known Member
"Attempted equality"

What the fuck is wrong with squatting outside? I think the pee funnel is tarded.
Not for when you're stuck in traffic…. I think those gizmos would b useful in a pinch. But then you're dealing with having to clean it and WHERE to put the pee, figuring if you didn't have an empty pop bottle or WHATEVER to pee in….