The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I find spider mites the easiest out of all of them. I buy this Indian imported Neem oil and make my own mix. It works as a fungistat also and can even be used on skin conditions and fungi toenails. It will kill adults on contact.

It's very important to think about the insects life cycle which is why it's essential to spray twice in a week to catch the hatching eggs.

Out here I've got a bug battle on my hands. Thrips are my worst and root aphids in hydro are a piece of piss. All sweet right now but its practically summer.

At worst I would use pyrethrum but on other insects. It is very toxic though.


Well-Known Member
I'll try the Neem oil if this homemade remedy doesn't work. It's not a big infestation, so not too worried. Pests are part of growing outside anyways...


Well-Known Member
I'll try the Neem oil if this homemade remedy doesn't work. It's not a big infestation, so not too worried. Pests are part of growing outside anyways...
That is true and my worst outdoor pests are caterpillars. I use BT spray but it's the way you use it, must be sprayed near the top bud to drip down the stalk. It's the damage they make by the dead buds that rot which is really the problem.

For your plants, just prune underneath and keep it clean. Spider mites start at the bottom and work upwards. So if you ever see them on top buds, that's a serious in the bin infestation.

Neem can also be used as a soil drench. Always mix a drop of washing up liquid because oil and water don't mix! Good luck with the home remedy too.


Well-Known Member
only just got finished for fuckin hours wi one of them silly iphome 6 clone crap in chinese ffs!
practically guessed my way through trial n error
anyway fat j of blues chillin just how it should be :bigjoint:

glad ive never had mites b4 had springtail once in a wilma res/dwc the was loads didnt harm te roos or the plants tho
i could feel the fuckers pingin off my face when ph/ec in res :o


Well-Known Member
I ain't concerned tbh this is my first grow so it's all about trail n error. My indoor this winter will be when I will care as I'm going to need to pump in a good few grand to get all the equipment and insulate the stable block, run electrics etc this outdoor has set me back less then 100, so meh. If I score an oz a plant I'm happy. 9oz will keep me the winter. I've not smoked at all in over a year so I'm gonna be a proper lightweight :D


Well-Known Member

You aint killing spider mites with neem
You use it in veg as a preventative

A stable blocks better than nothing merlot,
Rather av a barn, but spend the the time and
Get the enviro dialed in, get a veg area and learn
How to build your plants,

This time next year you'll be doing warehouse's


Well-Known Member
Morning all, whats every cunt upto then?

Do you need an invite for Agora or can you just join??
Didn't u ask this not long ago? Don't need an invite I don't think, u can use someone's referal code and they make a percentage of what u spend but u don't need one, you can get one on the forum or ask relax or someone, think relax is a whore for handing his out lol


Well-Known Member
Didn't u ask this not long ago? Don't need an invite I don't think, u can use someone's referal code and they make a percentage of what u spend but u don't need one, you can get one on the forum or ask relax or someone, think relax is a whore for handing his out lol
yeah ive asked a few times n been ignored lol

Next question then.......anyone got a referral code they wanna give me so ya can have a bit of an earner? lol


Well-Known Member
yeah ive asked a few times n been ignored lol

Next question then.......anyone got a referral code they wanna give me so ya can have a bit of an earner? lol
Lol, fair enough. I ain't even got mine m8, never made a note of it. As I say tho some of the other lads have handed out theirs, think relax ur best bet. He could do with the funds too for new slippers


Well-Known Member
Oh i know but if one of the lads can have an earner off it as well all the better eh? Thats what this thread used to be about if ya remember before the deluge of morons trolls an cockroasts
Dunno how much it is u get m8 but can't be worth all that much? Not unless ur planning spending thousands lol, if u are I'll try hoking my own out lol


Well-Known Member
Dunno how much it is u get m8 but can't be worth all that much? Not unless ur planning spending thousands lol, if u are I'll try hoking my own out lol
No idea what the referral rate is lol, but nah, probably a few hundred quid over the next 6 months id say


Well-Known Member
No idea what the referral rate is lol, but nah, probably a few hundred quid over the next 6 months id say
As I say m8, relax should prob sort u out, send him a PM. If he's already give his out to a few then it's more beneficial for him, all those 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 btc will add up


Well-Known Member
Also, next thing......I need to buy some ph up,down n calibration liquid, any brands better than others or any to avoid?