Is she done or is there something wrong?


Hi everyone,
Long time reader...occasional poster :) Anyways, I have been growing a Paradise seeds vertigo strain and I have grown it once before. It seems like >50% of the pistils are orange, but seeing the trichs is hard for me with my magnifying glass (maybe I shouldn't be a detective). I think there are cloudy ones, but am not 100%. She's a great one and I don't want to chop her too early. Do you guys think she is about ready or should I wait more?IMG_3926.JPGIMG_3925.JPG IMG_3925.JPG IMG_3925.JPG


Active Member
Only way to truly tell if she is done is looking at her with a loupe and determining if a good ratio of the trichs are cloudy and amber.
I'd say she certainly looks done though.... quite beautiful as well!


Thanks, P1ants for the info and the complement on my lady. Her name is Daenerys :). I have an ophthalmoscope (random story), and if it can look at human retinas I thought I could see trichs better! I always worry that the lighting in my grow box is too yellow/red to see the trichs accurately. I may chop her today...anyone wanna stop me???


Active Member
Thanks, P1ants for the info and the complement on my lady. Her name is Daenerys :). I have an ophthalmoscope (random story), and if it can look at human retinas I thought I could see trichs better! I always worry that the lighting in my grow box is too yellow/red to see the trichs accurately. I may chop her today...anyone wanna stop me???
I do at least put her into darkness for 48 hours to swell even more!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, P1ants for the info and the complement on my lady. Her name is Daenerys :). I have an ophthalmoscope (random story), and if it can look at human retinas I thought I could see trichs better! I always worry that the lighting in my grow box is too yellow/red to see the trichs accurately. I may chop her today...anyone wanna stop me???
I would look at the tracks under a normal light Either turn your lights off or take your plant on the cabinet and look at the trichrs


I cut a bud off and looked at it under my scope. Looks like there is a lot of cloudy, but there are so many trichs that I wonder if they are just overlapping and giving the false appearance of THC (if that makes sense). Could it hurt if I wait a little longer if they are mostly cloudy at this point?


Well-Known Member
No sir, there is no falsification trichome production. Plain and simple you did a marvelous job to me. Especially if trichomes are overlapping. All that means is your plant(s) were either paranoid of getting a suntan or you got a serious bug problem or those uvb lights do :) Look for amber on that is mixed in with the cloudy and give us a ratio. Like to every amber/cloudy. But great looking finishing.


Thanks man! I definitely think she's pretty close. I couldn't really see many amber trichs....i didn't last time either with this strain. If there aren't many ambers, how much longer should I wait??


Well-Known Member
hey dats a nice grow ....yep i think its done although u can still push it further by 5 days more i guess to get more of cbd content fr medicinal purpose if u want and a couch high ..u shld giv it 48 darkness n keep it dry..dun water it for 2-3 days before harvest....n flush it !!!
n no offence bt next time b careful with ur looks lik u gave it too much N nute n ur leaves r dark green with burns at the edges(the brown thingy)....u can get a much better yield if u take care of that ...anyways good grow...happy high ..V


thanks guys...I should have looked at this thread before I put her in darkness for the last 24 hrs. I guess I'm stuck chopping her down today :( And I know she has nute burn late in her life...butI 1/2'ed the nutes from the get-go! I will give even less for my next girl. This girl is pretty and big for an auto, so I hope I'll get just a tad baked from her :?


Just did that. I tried her (I know it's not the same as when I cure it all nice), and it got me high, but not for long. I will turn the lights back on and watch her for the next week. I felt similarly from the get go, which is why I posted at all. I will let you know how it goes, and thanks for the help!!