curing curosity


Well-Known Member
Put them in an anti-uv air tight jar. Keep radiant energy away (sun). Curing can take a week to months depending on the initial dry.


Well-Known Member
So dry it til the stalks snap then cure for about a month? Seems kinda long
You pretty much want to dry untill the stem gets rid of most moisture but not all! You can dry untill the stem snaps but its easy to over-dry if you do it that way. What i like to do is jar it up once the stem cracks but bends(snaping in half is too dry) it should be around 65/70% with a hygrometer in the jar. Burp the jars for 30min to an hour every day depending on ambient humidity and temps,keep burping till it starts to sit around 65%. By that time it will start stanking up the place and settle around 60/65%. Any lower then 60 will fuck up taste. I dont even touch my harvest untill 4-6 weeks in. Also, dont even waste any time trying quick dry methods. They will just give you more of a headache then a stone.


Well-Known Member
Well shit lol, its tricky to get it perfect without consistently harvesting the same strain. Wait till the stems (bud stems!) crack when bent, it will make a noise but you dont want them snapping in half. You want to retain a little moisture so that when you cure, it still has just enough moisture to bring smell and potency throughout the bud. If you over-dry it will still cure, but not at the same potency as properly dried and cured harvest.


Well-Known Member
Drying/curing is a two-part process: drying removes moisture and curing is making sure all the product has uniform dryness. If we didn't cure we would have crispy small nugs and undried big buds.

I spread my newly harvested bud on paper towels that lay on a new 16 x 25 x 1 inch furnace filter ($0.88 at WalMart). Spread it out so you have no buds on another, keep it one deep, eh? The filter sets on a cabinet where it is exposed to light fan action. After 48 hours I go through and flip the bigger buds over. Check again after 24 hours. When small buds are real dry and bigger buds mostly dry I put the product into a large sealable glass jar. This is the start of the curing process - you have eliminated most of the moisture and now are making all the buds the same dryness. After 24 hours in the glass jar the product will seem wetter than when it went into the jar. Not to worry, that is just the remaining moisture moving from large to small buds. After 24 hours in the jar I spread the product out again for more drying. Back to the jar after 24 hours on the filter. After the second or third jump from filter to jar you will have the dryness factor the way you want it and, most importantly, the product will have the uniform dryness necessary for mediun-long term storage.

Good luck, BigSteve.