what do you consider to be a light. moderate, heavy toker?


Well-Known Member
My friends and I were called super-stoners this weekend by some people we party with a few times a year because of how much we smoke.. almost every hour, all day once we light up for the first time, and those seshes usually are 2-3 bowl packs. So what's your weekly use? do you think you're a heavy smoker? Is your use personal or is it shared use with friends,etc? I think I'm a fairly heavy toker @ 1/4+ oz/wk, I have friends who are closer to 1/2 OZ/ wk. I think once i start cropping out I'll be closer to the 1/2 OZ/wk mark once supply isn't an issue, I moderate myself alot due to costs.
5.5 g a week

three hookers and a crate a vodka !!!

2 pinworms 3 unvlebucks and a partridge in a pear tree :)

that's my weekly dose of shit
ME,wake up smoke, smoke all day, bong, dabs, whatever, go to sleep, wake up,smoke, go back to sleep. start over
I can't wake and bake unless i have absolutely noting i want to do..it kills me for the day. I need to wait till after i eat and the coffee is kickin in..then it's on. I was staying at a friends house on the ocean..we were going to spend the day on the beach, we got up and immediately did some dabs..we never left the backyard after that..
I can't wake and bake unless i have absolutely noting i want to do..it kills me for the day. I need to wait till after i eat and the coffee is kickin in..then it's on. I was staying at a friends house on the ocean..we were going to spend the day on the beach, we got up and immediately did some dabs..we never left the backyard after that..
Lol sounds about right, I always make the mistake of eating way to many edibles right before I pass out, then sleep for two days straight..
I love the edibles I've had, strong and they last way longer than smoking. I've had hit and miss results on the ones I've made. I don't have the resources to keep trying and failing, but I want to get it down because I think I'd rather have edibles than smoke.
i find i smoke a lot less now im a full responsibil adult :)

back in the day ( 25 year ago) we used to chip in for ½-1 oz a night between 1-20 of us lolol seriously:)

on the bucket ( gravity bong ) i think:)

now i just smoke a spliff an hour and an unclebuck a week really :)

pinworms are for special acastions .

^ fucking spellcheck doesn't work
i find i smoke a lot less now im a full responsibil adult :)

back in the day ( 25 year ago) we used to chip in for ½-1 oz a night between 1-20 of us lolol seriously:)

on the bucket ( gravity bong ) i think:)

now i just smoke a spliff an hour and an unclebuck a week really :)

pinworms are for special acastions .

^ fucking spellcheck doesn't work

It's not the spell check.......:roll:
i find i smoke a lot less now im a full responsibil adult :)

back in the day ( 25 year ago) we used to chip in for ½-1 oz a night between 1-20 of us lolol seriously:)

on the bucket ( gravity bong ) i think:)

now i just smoke a spliff an hour and an unclebuck pole a week really :)

pinworms are for special acastions .

^ fucking spellcheck doesn't work
how do those UB poles taste?
I'm more like an OZ a week herb smoker and a good 5 grams of hash smoker per week and it's mostly alone but I never weigh my smoke so it could be more or less but sometimes I smoke more hash than bud or the other way around. Also depends how badly I want to beat my wife and kid at the time. lol, I never do but damn do I want too sometimes. :bigjoint: