Idle thought, tone of recent posts.

Dr. Jon

Well-Known Member
OK, admittedly I'm a new guy here. The down side of that is I don't know all the history. The upside is I'm not invested in all the history, one way or another. Here's my $0.02, and older members feel free to set me straight.

In just a few months on RIU, the tone of many posts has degenerated to the point where it's hard to even follow. Much of it lately is just bickering, hostility, and petty insults. As I said, I don't know the history, so I wouldn't presume to say who's at fault or why.

My impression when I joined was that it was an online forum for people knowledgeable about marijuana use, growing, etc. I thought it was primarily intended, as many of these forums are, as a place for fellowship with like-minded people, and exchange of information, given that there is a lot of knowledge represented here. The wonderful thing about online forums is that you can post a question, and someone, somewhere likely knows the answer. Healthy, even spirited, debate on various topics is worthwhile. I often learn a lot from reading opposing viewpoints. However, as is often said in my profession, you can disagree without being disagreeable.

In even just these few months, I have noticed a fair number of people leaving the forums because of this trend. For the good of everyone involved in RIU, wouldn't it be better to have everyone involved take a deep breath, and tone down the rhetoric a bit? The nice part about a fairly anonymous online forum is that if you don't care for someone's attitude, approach, style, beliefs or whatever, YOU AREN'T REQUIRED TO INTERACT WITH THEM! If they post something you don't care for, so what? Does that really impact your daily life? Are they likely to show up at your house to debate you? I have often found that my own mental health improves if I just disengage from conflict like this. Say "what an idiot" in your head, then move on. Your psychiatrist will thank you, and you'll save a ton of money on anti-anxiety meds.

At any rate, without casting aspersions on any individual, here's hoping we can move RIU on from this pettiness, and return it to being a fun, educational community.

OK, now feel free to bash me, if that's what has to happen.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I think some ARE gonna bash you, but I think this is a great post with good intentions. I just don't see it as a reality though. You see, there are idiots in here and they do need to be checked. We can't have folks running around here thinking they own the place because nobody told them they are idiots and that they should stfu and die already


Well-Known Member
OK, admittedly I'm a new guy here. The down side of that is I don't know all the history. The upside is I'm not invested in all the history, one way or another. Here's my $0.02, and older members feel free to set me straight.

In just a few months on RIU, the tone of many posts has degenerated to the point where it's hard to even follow. Much of it lately is just bickering, hostility, and petty insults. As I said, I don't know the history, so I wouldn't presume to say who's at fault or why.

My impression when I joined was that it was an online forum for people knowledgeable about marijuana use, growing, etc. I thought it was primarily intended, as many of these forums are, as a place for fellowship with like-minded people, and exchange of information, given that there is a lot of knowledge represented here. The wonderful thing about online forums is that you can post a question, and someone, somewhere likely knows the answer. Healthy, even spirited, debate on various topics is worthwhile. I often learn a lot from reading opposing viewpoints. However, as is often said in my profession, you can disagree without being disagreeable.

In even just these few months, I have noticed a fair number of people leaving the forums because of this trend. For the good of everyone involved in RIU, wouldn't it be better to have everyone involved take a deep breath, and tone down the rhetoric a bit? The nice part about a fairly anonymous online forum is that if you don't care for someone's attitude, approach, style, beliefs or whatever, YOU AREN'T REQUIRED TO INTERACT WITH THEM! If they post something you don't care for, so what? Does that really impact your daily life? Are they likely to show up at your house to debate you? I have often found that my own mental health improves if I just disengage from conflict like this. Say "what an idiot" in your head, then move on. Your psychiatrist will thank you, and you'll save a ton of money on anti-anxiety meds.

At any rate, without casting aspersions on any individual, here's hoping we can move RIU on from this pettiness, and return it to being a fun, educational community.

OK, now feel free to bash me, if that's what has to happen.
all i saw was presumptions, maybes, i maybe wrongs, i thoughts, please correct me if im wrongs ...... And that's it really.

good luck with that


Well-Known Member
OK, admittedly I'm a new guy here. The down side of that is I don't know all the history. The upside is I'm not invested in all the history, one way or another. Here's my $0.02, and older members feel free to set me straight.

In just a few months on RIU, the tone of many posts has degenerated to the point where it's hard to even follow. Much of it lately is just bickering, hostility, and petty insults. As I said, I don't know the history, so I wouldn't presume to say who's at fault or why.

My impression when I joined was that it was an online forum for people knowledgeable about marijuana use, growing, etc. I thought it was primarily intended, as many of these forums are, as a place for fellowship with like-minded people, and exchange of information, given that there is a lot of knowledge represented here. The wonderful thing about online forums is that you can post a question, and someone, somewhere likely knows the answer. Healthy, even spirited, debate on various topics is worthwhile. I often learn a lot from reading opposing viewpoints. However, as is often said in my profession, you can disagree without being disagreeable.

In even just these few months, I have noticed a fair number of people leaving the forums because of this trend. For the good of everyone involved in RIU, wouldn't it be better to have everyone involved take a deep breath, and tone down the rhetoric a bit? The nice part about a fairly anonymous online forum is that if you don't care for someone's attitude, approach, style, beliefs or whatever, YOU AREN'T REQUIRED TO INTERACT WITH THEM! If they post something you don't care for, so what? Does that really impact your daily life? Are they likely to show up at your house to debate you? I have often found that my own mental health improves if I just disengage from conflict like this. Say "what an idiot" in your head, then move on. Your psychiatrist will thank you, and you'll save a ton of money on anti-anxiety meds.

At any rate, without casting aspersions on any individual, here's hoping we can move RIU on from this pettiness, and return it to being a fun, educational community.

OK, now feel free to bash me, if that's what has to happen.
No bashing from me, right on point.

But - I'm not nice to cruel people. If you are cruel to me - I will get you back in turn.

It's not the best way to be.

I really didn't know I was this way, because here (outside of say grade 7) is the only place people are cruel to me.

I think it's pretty funny.

I do wish that some people would just stick to politics though.


Well-Known Member
I honestly dont notice a difference this year from last or the year before.
Of course people are gonna come and go. Evetually you get tired of repeating the same thing. Knowledgeable members will come and go. I have no life so ill be here.. but i tend to stay out the gardening areas, theres more misinfo and tales than science, opinions become facts. I used to post every so often, i did help someone out today with some plant talk.

Its like flushing and curing. 2 topics than have been covered in hundreds of threads. Your not gonna get the real shit, the post that took time to write, you probly wont even get a copy paste. Unless a newer member has become knowledgeable and feels the need to post. Those intelligent discussions have been had and its up to you to do your research..or else you just get a bunch of people posting random crap while high. There are some great growers in tnt and politics...
Anyway my high wearing off