Well-Known Member
Thanks MAN!I've been on Zoloft over 15 years. Switched to it when the prozac quit working....which they gave me when the Paxil stopped working. I asked about backing off of it last year and was told I would die without in patient detox and then there is no guarantee. Xanax 12 years....I've been told my brain chemistry has been changed. The irony is I kept getting sent to shrinks because the Dr.'s (several) kept telling me my illness is in my head. It was/is Lupus. Almost 18 years of you're a hypochondriac..... I'm not the kind of Dr you need. The only time in my life I was suicidal was on a Dr. "cocktail". I put the loaded cocked gun down, put the 8 bottles of pills in a bag, drove to the Dr. office I saw and said I don't understand why I almost killed myself. Life is not that bad....I love my kids. Was seen by the Dr immediately. He took the bag of pills, read each bottle then said I'd kill myself too if I was on this combination/cocktail. Weaned me off 6 of them. He saved me.
Nausea....I find that edibles work quite well for it. Better than smoking....for me.
A vapor pen is great and discreet if you just smoke. A hit or two during the day might help while not getting you to high to work. Wishing you the best.
Wow - you've been through some SHIT with this medication!
I actually didn't full on puke to bile yesterday, and that was the first day. Sure I gagged and there was a lot of stomach air/ burps/ whatever. But I didn't actually puke, and that's a good thing!