Can foxtailing be corrected?


Well-Known Member
It's a plant, it does what it wants. Like a fuckin' Honey Badger.
Or a fuckin cassowary, those things are grumpy mean lil bastards
Okay thanks tho, any idea on why my plant is doing this tho? it seemed to get worse over night. I thought i was close to harvest and now its getting new growths on the buds.
the things that I have seen that cause growth abnormalities like that are usually either photoperiod issues, meaning irregular light schedules or in some case large amount of nitrogen.
Usually it's because plants were thrown outside after being under a 18 hr day and having them "quasi-flower" during the first month of may or june.
Or in some cases it just genetic.
but most often it's too much nutrients, or a light prob


Well-Known Member
Or a fuckin cassowary, those things are grumpy mean lil bastards

the things that I have seen that cause growth abnormalities like that are usually either photoperiod issues, meaning irregular light schedules or in some case large amount of nitrogen.
Usually it's because plants were thrown outside after being under a 18 hr day and having them "quasi-flower" during the first month of may or june.
Or in some cases it just genetic.
but most often it's too much nutrients, or a light prob
Damn your spot on, my timers broke recently so ive been turning lights on and off manually, and i havent been following much of a schedule at all.. Sometimes 2pm sometimes 3 or 4pm, then sometimes 4 hours, sometimes 6 or 7 hours damn..

did i just fuck up the plant? or at least the harvest date? Is it going to take longer to mature now because of it?


Well-Known Member
Damn your spot on, my timers broke recently so ive been turning lights on and off manually, and i havent been following much of a schedule at all.. Sometimes 2pm sometimes 3 or 4pm, then sometimes 4 hours, sometimes 6 or 7 hours damn..

did i just fuck up the plant? or at least the harvest date? Is it going to take longer to mature now because of it?
Plants like to have a schedule. If they don't, they WILL fuck with you and themselves.


Well-Known Member
Theres three different types of fox tailing from what ive seen. Genetic, heat and stress related. And over "cooking".

Genetic can comes usually around week five or later and is a building of mass, flowers still seem to coat up with sticky and they arent too far behind the rest of the lower plant but they can be a longer process. There comes a point where even with constant bloomers they need to come down or if you wait until the damn trics are perfect its all turned to garbage. Personally id never cut later than 72 days.
The genetic foxtailers will do it at temp lower than 70 degrees and usually it builds mass and isnt a problem to let them finnish naturally with no trimming back growth necessary.

Heat stress foxtails are more prone to new branch development within the buds shooting out from main bud masses. Usually they have a couple caylexes on the end of the branch protrusion and they are not good for astetics. Or potency.

Over "cooking" or waiting too long to chop can also leave your plants sprouting new growth when they should be done. this is usually pretty obviously a sign they are over ready and obviously they need to come down.

Genetic i let go to finished.
Heatstress i take the foxtails off and wait until they ripen.
Over cooked plants can just come down. The inner plant is stil ripe so screw the new growths ripeness. Itll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Damn your spot on, my timers broke recently so ive been turning lights on and off manually, and i havent been following much of a schedule at all.. Sometimes 2pm sometimes 3 or 4pm, then sometimes 4 hours, sometimes 6 or 7 hours damn..

did i just fuck up the plant? or at least the harvest date? Is it going to take longer to mature now because of it?
How did your plant turn out EB? All of my sour diesels have a bit of foxtailing on them... but its a good thing in my opinion and a sign that they buds are getting close to mature. I thought it was something I did wrong when my fastest sour D started to stretch at the tip of the main cola and got really really leafy.... I went nuts... did research... figured out that its genetic, normal with sour diesels and perfectly ok in my case. Then the three plants that are right behind her in development also stretched exactly the same way. Heat and light have been constant so no issues there... I had nute deficiencies if anything. Two weeks later and the first one has fattened up considerably and the stretched tip is filling in... trichs are getting cloudy.

After all of my reading it appears that 'foxtailing' is a generic term and there are both natural/healthy and unnatural causes. My buds have nearly doubled in mass since so I'm pleased with it and willing to wait an extra week if she wants me to.

This bud is about 1-2 weeks from harvest and threw this new growth out there a few days ago....

Foxtail SD2.jpg

And the Sour D that has bout 3-4 weeks to go...



Well-Known Member
fox tailing seems to be genetic so there is no cure,,ive had several bcbd blueberry plants all foxtail while all the other strains in the room do not fox tail...and since the blueberry was a ibl i used them for breeding, almost all seeds planted had fox tailed buds,,,genetic


Well-Known Member
fox tailing seems to be genetic so there is no cure,,ive had several bcbd blueberry plants all foxtail while all the other strains in the room do not fox tail...and since the blueberry was a ibl i used them for breeding, almost all seeds planted had fox tailed buds,,,genetic
Oh man it turned out tremendous man. I actually didnt mind the foxtailing it created such super fat buds. I had the fox tailing on my dark devil i just picked last night also, but again i dont think i'll mind it.

i'll see if i can upload the pics before i leave for work, if not then after work.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I had a room full of about 6 different strains. All went well except a Jack Herer. The Jack was in the middle of the room with nothing to cause it to trip out. It flipped out and grew crazy big - no buds. The herb was good and got a decent amount for what it was...


Well-Known Member
Oh man it turned out tremendous man. I actually didnt mind the foxtailing it created such super fat buds. I had the fox tailing on my dark devil i just picked last night also, but again i dont think i'll mind it.

i'll see if i can upload the pics before i leave for work, if not then after work.
I think its a sign of maturing. after checking my trichs on that first bud, I have mostly cloudy, some clear and a few amber. There were zero amber a couple of days ago so she's getting there pretty fast. I was thinking of cutting her at 8 weeks.. but that's three days from now...I'll know more after this sample dries :weed: she's some kind of orange bud cross or tangerine cross (smells like straight up orange juice) which they say is a 7-9 week strain so I'm right in that window now.

I hope you get a chance to post those pics!


Well-Known Member
I had a room full of about 6 different strains. All went well except a Jack Herer. The Jack was in the middle of the room with nothing to cause it to trip out. It flipped out and grew crazy big - no buds. The herb was good and got a decent amount for what it was...
Damn i got a Jack Herer going right now, so your saying it was no good? What was so bad about it?


Well-Known Member
I think its a sign of maturing. after checking my trichs on that first bud, I have mostly cloudy, some clear and a few amber. There were zero amber a couple of days ago so she's getting there pretty fast. I was thinking of cutting her at 8 weeks.. but that's three days from now...I'll know more after this sample dries :weed: she's some kind of orange bud cross or tangerine cross (smells like straight up orange juice) which they say is a 7-9 week strain so I'm right in that window now.

I hope you get a chance to post those pics!
Heres the dark devil picked last night:
2015-05-29 02.59.43.jpg 2015-05-29 02.55.21.jpg 2015-05-29 02.49.43.jpg 2015-05-29 02.48.49.jpg

Heres the PDXA:
2015-05-04 21.10.18.jpg 2015-05-01 01.11.49.jpg 2015-04-23 01.35.23.jpg


Well-Known Member
Foxtailing can be purely genetic. Ive grown foxtailed plants that were killer bud although I don't like the looks of them. They don't make nice looking nuggets.
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I finally germed a few of the Amnesia beans that I have had for a few years. I got them just to have, but now I can totally make them work with my flower rooms. The Dr. is another animal all together. Not only is she a long flowering strain, but she is VERY touchy also. Don't let her dry too much. Don't get her too cold. Don't give her too much food. Don't fart next to her unless you had a substantial amount of complex carbohydrates to night before (J/K). A seriously tough strain to grow any way you look at it. That strain needs a lot of attention from day one. Like I said, one day. Just not now. I applaud anybody that does try to grow her out and is successful. It is supposed to be some of the most absurd smoke you will ever try. Tasty as fuck with a brick to the head. Yes please! They don't play well with others and are not great strains to cross. They are a unique animal not for growers that are not prepared to be seriously devoted to a plant.
I understand this is a long time ago but, I am a lover of botany and weed haha and I am very prepared to give a lot of time and care to.a plant but is there any special needs other than light food and water? I've been looking at trying a landrace for a while