The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Cheers pomps but I should only need a IEC kettle plug thing the timers fine Irish days its a combination of shit components and shit wiring up lool I think it was inevitable with them shitty cheap plugs I bought


Well-Known Member
Gonnna fly down maplin and see if they have good quality plugs....its gotta be them cheap shitty ones I was using they were shit to wire up its gotta be that that's the problem
tbh its loooks 50% crappy plug design n 50% being wired up with wires too close to each other so its started arcing


Well-Known Member
tbh its loooks 50% crappy plug design n 50% being wired up with wires too close to each other so its started arcing
Yeh your right man they were real hard to wire up because of that...normally there's like a little box for the wire to go in Aint they...eBay for u mate...hopefully maplins have some if not I'll go screwfix 2morro or something....the thing that's really annoying me is the ballast I took back to the local has a 16A fixing and I took it back cuz I thought it was dodgy but it was actually the eye hortilux bulb I was using that was dodgy so I've been thru 3 ballast 4 including this one and it was the fucking bulb all about fuck about


Well-Known Member
ghetto wireing lol
bit rough that wiring there ghetto i mean like fuck me rough , your lucky your tents still there mate i had a close call yesterday too smell of plastic in grow house and its a ballast fucking melted ta fuck il get pics up in a bit good job i got about 20 spares lol but ye mate be extra carefull wiring your own sockets dont scrimp or scrape


Well-Known Member
So this has happened for the 2nd time now first time happened a few hours...this time.after about a week any ideas? Its a 10a IEC plug I've been checking online the ballast only pulls 4.8 amps so it shouldn't be that's that issue any ideas like? View attachment 3431304
wow,just,wow, thats dangerous shit man, specially wer u have it. carpets catch up real easy. thats exaktly why i unfasten every electrical thing i got and rewire incase.

hope u get it sorted lad.
hows all?

these twins is getting closer,,shittin meself


Well-Known Member
yeh i would be 2 m8 lol i dont have twins but my 2 girls are 10months apart and it was a night mare once one stopped teething the other started when one cries it starts the other off they are 3 and 4 now tho so now they just fight but they start full time school in september so all good lol


Well-Known Member
yeh i have a 5 yr and 2 yr both girls and idetical twin boys due auguest. gunna be bedlam, got no buisness and no earner so living life on the breadline. thinking of going bak to work but this fucking ulcer gets like sooooo small then gets a random infection and grows again.... its doing me nut. never no bigger than a 5p coin but a holes a hole lol.

just been playing destiny on ps4 depressed, the housing is making me pay nr 3k for that home extraction system coz ther saying i tampered with it... all i did was unplug and now i have to pay for the company to replace it and then they have to take the wall out from one corner of house from attick to the kitchen all way down in one corner as the cops yanked on all ducting for it and ripped it out from te depths f the cavity thinking its grow ducting. ther wankers. i paid a chunk a few monts bak wat wertn really mine but btter than eviction but the rest they can go screw till i get grafting again. they wer happy with a grand for now,, this estate manager i got is a real cunt.
thats my uptodate goss.
il try and be around a bit more maybe. ust all this growing makes my mouth water and i cant do shit!!!.

clocked the news on young ross ulbricht,,,bet hes crying his self to sleep with his 25stone black pad mate bubba


Well-Known Member
Afternoon all, just in from work and now blazing a fat exo Joint topped with a good helping of ISO hash, fucking bliss !!

How do Ice mate, sorry to hear about all the shit going on man, but congrats on the twins, hopefully u can get back on your feet soon and get back earning again.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, always worth a chuckle pompey.

what's not funny is the whole street stinking of overly ripe kush. i need to harvest but i'll be fucked if im tackling that lot on my own at this time of night.
give them some more water and zym in the hopes that i'll get a minute this week, ice get ur ass down here could do with a hand lol