The Worst Strains to Grow


Well-Known Member
Anything big bud that I have grown threw dicks. Both the ww and nl strains crossed with it have hermed the fuck out on me. Nothing else that I have in my garden atm has ever done that. Ever. I have been growing for years. Weak genetics, boss. Snake oil.
im on my third round of clones of wwxbb, i treat them hard and never had a herm. smoke is pretty average at best. im looking for something new now


Well-Known Member
Royal Queen Special Kush #1. Snagged 20 of them just to see if they were worth a damn at their price. And considering I've played with a few RQ strains and they turned out well, I thought why not? I went in expecting a 5/10. Didn't have high expectations. First off germination. Had 5 not pop. Had 3 pull their own heads off breaking out of soil. One spindly AF runt. Grew roots but wouldn't do anything up top. Literally nothing. Even popped roots out all over the place in s smartpot. fed it at 3 weeks for laughs and it fried its poor 1st and 2nd node lol. 2 other runts. They did the thing where they pop out of soil and do nothing. I kept them with MrMcDoesntGrow. They picked up after 2 weeks though. The kicker is they BOTH started out from seedling with alernating nodes. And were noticibly smaller as compared to the rest of the "usable" plants in all their stages of growth. I actually let them finish. So the 9 usable plants. They vegged okay. Got to topping them. Some took to it well. 2 of them just decided they were going to be spindly mofos. One I called Hulk. Cause it just grew one side super beefy and thick. Flower time comes around. Stretch city. They went from being 2 foot bushes to 5-7 foot plants in the end. The stumpy guys shot to about 4 feet. So braced everything up. Thought maybe they'll flower decent......nope. It was 75% pistils in the end. Even after "swell" Tricome production was absolute shit. I mean seriously I've grown mexi brick that was frostier (and less stretchy) 8 weeks in I'm totally baffled. I'm one of those people that doesn't know when to quit. I sat through American Hustle in theaters just to ffinish it out in hopes I might get ANYTHING out of it. If that tells you something. So inspecting them in disgust and morbid curiosity at this point. I finally got hit with what we all dread. Bananas. Loads of them. Every "cola". Every branch. Every plant. Gave them all the chop instantly. Salvaged the best buds. I'm being liberal using the word best. Filled 5 mason jars. Threw all the popcorn and larf into a tote to dispose of. Decided to make a huge load of ISO out of it eventually. I can and will say the stuff I did keep and cure was decent. When I said the tricome production was shit I stand by that. On the other hand my opinion is that its all in the terpines. The buds cured nicely and had a VERY sharp musky pot smell. Looked like all hell and bag appeal was crap. Doesn't matter to me much but we all know a lot of kids will think something is dank as hell just because it looks nice. Ended up with over a lb of dry larf/inferior product when it was all processed. Made for a nice ISO batch. Would I grow this strain again? Hell no. I'm just hoping this makes someone else reconsider if they think about it. The price is no loss but the time involved is.


Well-Known Member
Cotton Candy.... I can't remember what breeder was behind it. Hermied bad in the end, Nothing but disappointment. The Mrs didnt care for it, so most of it ended up in the garbage.
Very forgettable.


Well-Known Member
Og kush sucks! First of all kush doesn't come from the ocean, it comes from the Hindu kush mountains in Afghanistan Reserva pervida/dna messed up I got hermies 4 phenotype's . So its not ocean grown unless you grow on the ocean. Anything with kush attached should raise eyebrows.
I always heard the og was named ...yes after ocean grown but im sure cali people were just trying to differentiate between there strain and other afghan/pakistan strain. I do have to say that originl and tahoe og both have typical traita that afghan/paki indica carry such as smaller buds. But wat about dr grinspoon rite pure sativa small frosted bud. But i agree alot of people tag indica as kush. With hybridization true kush traits are pretty much un-distinct. And truely unrecognizable. Not to say its impossible but hard to be 100%
Amd i have had some really good og from cali. And i have a couple of friends from new dehli and they r workin on a sweet true kush plant from the old timers there.


Well-Known Member
The overall worst strain that I have ever grown out was Kalashnikova from Green House.
It was purported to be a cross of AK-47xWhite Widow.

Having grown out both parent strains many times, I was looking forward to this cross.
Grew out eight girls...only one of which provided even a mediocre, moderate buzz.
THE worst I ever grew!
How anyone could screw up AKxWW is beyond me.

The second worst strain was California Orange by Capricorn Seeds...even this crap was much better than Kalashnikova.


Well-Known Member
That sux.
Only ever grew one kush........og kush.........freebie with an order I got....guess wot ....hermied........never again..

That sux. But i didnt get mine from a seed company. It was a cutting. But the tahoe was seed and great. Super strong. It surprises me so many people have bad luck. But i also prefer regulars cuz ive been looking for a super strong and or stout male.


Well-Known Member
The overall worst strain that I have ever grown out was Kalashnikova from Green House.
It was purported to be a cross of AK-47xWhite Widow.

Having grown out both parent strains many times, I was looking forward to this cross.
Grew out eight girls...only one of which provided even a mediocre, moderate buzz.
THE worst I ever grew!
How anyone could screw up AKxWW is beyond me.

The second worst strain was California Orange by Capricorn Seeds...even this crap was much better than Kalashnikova.
The cross sounds amazing lol. That's how they get you man.


Well-Known Member
Like pinny said, WW and BB crosses all suck... old nirvana sucks, I here they are better now but I ain't fucking with them.. RP Lohan TW x L.A aka "Training Day as a freebie" was super frosty and purple and finished around 55 to 60, but hermied everytime.. Just got swerved from Cali Connection on some bubba.. purple pine berry I got growing right now, doesn't look to impressive.. I didn't like amnesia haze either gorgeous colas but shitty if any high..


Well-Known Member
Og kush sucks! First of all kush doesn't come from the ocean, it comes from the Hindu kush mountains in Afghanistan Reserva pervida/dna messed up I got hermies 4 phenotype's . So its not ocean grown unless you grow on the ocean. Anything with kush attached should raise eyebrows.
That's why I like L.A con better, It's nothing but Afghan.The smell of real OG makes me sick to stomach