First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
tell u what i had the other day a hash cake what a fantastic hit u get.
my mates gf has got epilepsy and grows and she makes hash cakes with the trimmings from the bud much better than smokin it.


Well-Known Member
shit sorry man was typin for ages lol but na a pipe sounds best mate get you stoned as a cunt within seconds of lighting it:mrgreen:

i love my bong mate shotties for mebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I hear you UK - I know of two people who's doctors recommended marijuana for asthma, and both said it worked like a charm. Wonder drug or what, and they try to keep it from us. What assholes ... Yeah I used to smoke a bong but for some reason it makes me cough a lot and would make my chest feel really tight (heart attack time - only paranoia of course). I find the pipe or a waterfall are dead on though.


Well-Known Member
tell u what i had the other day a hash cake what a fantastic hit u get. my mates gf has got epilepsy and grows and she makes hash cakes with the trimmings from the bud much better than smokin it.
My wife and I used to eat quite a lot of hash with an even bigger lot of Vodka LOL. I swear we used to be trippin. Some weird shit used to happen, hallucinations the heap. Eating it is really powerful, much better than most people would believe until they try it. Never bothered cooking with it (just lazy) - quick chew and a Vodka wash-down - luvly jubbly LOL.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good, Will have to invest in a few of those bomboo canes for sure... They'll be on their own most of the week as the slavery beckons & im on evenings:cry:....Damn work!!!! And we're due shitty rain all week, i'll have a few more grey hairs no doubt....

take care man, will drop by during the week,



Well-Known Member
No probs Pink, good to talk to you. Those canes a real cheap btw. Just make sure to weight your pots down with something. As I said mine have blown right over and you'd hate to get them busted (I've been lucky so far). Speak to you later mate. Don't work too hard ;)


Well-Known Member
shit green a waterfall wowz thats gotta hurt more than the bong!! i cant lug one of them for shit make me cough my ring up for about an hour an then im soo stoned from coughing i fall asleep:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
My wife and I used to eat quite a lot of hash with an even bigger lot of Vodka LOL. I swear we used to be trippin. Some weird shit used to happen, hallucinations the heap. Eating it is really powerful, much better than most people would believe until they try it. Never bothered cooking with it (just lazy) - quick chew and a Vodka wash-down - luvly jubbly LOL.
i like the way it kicks in sort of fills ya boots and works its way up.takes about an hour but what a hit and lasts ages.


Well-Known Member
shit green a waterfall wowz thats gotta hurt more than the bong!! i cant lug one of them for shit make me cough my ring up for about an hour an then im soo stoned from coughing i fall asleep:mrgreen:
LOL UK - I'm just a weirdo man, that must be it. Na I don't know why but I find a waterfall really smooth - hardly feel it at all. Think I just smoked too many bongs when I was younger, used to make up all sorts of weird mixes with hash, tobacco, grass and all. Used to f**k my lungs up. Maybe I should give it a go again when I get some (hopefully) good quality bud of my own.

i like the way it kicks in sort of fills ya boots and works its way up.takes about an hour but what a hit and lasts ages.
Yeah I love that too bob. it sort of just creeps up on you over ages, the excitement starts to swell and then WHAP you're gone man, solid gone LOL. Great stuff ;) Must dig out some recipes and have ago at doing some baking, you've put me in the mood again LOL.


Well-Known Member
yup i think you should green mate the only reason i use the bong is cause the water cools the smoke!! feels like im getting high on air lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah think I'll give it a go. Might have to buy a new one as I think I chucked the old one away when we moved house. Actually now I remember, the thread was all stripped and the bowl used to fall in my lap and burn the shit out of me just when I'd got it lit LOL. Do you recommend a big long one or a big fat one LOL?


Well-Known Member
lol i use a coke bottle mate make them myself cheap as hell and saves me cleaning it every 5 mins


Well-Known Member
Good idea UK, specially as I'm always skint. Aye, youtube will show me how to make a good one no doubt. What do you use for a bowl?


Well-Known Member
i dont mate i smoke shotties..
you put a ball of baccy in the pipe slap a bit of weed on top and you're away bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
oh yea the reason for the baccy is so when the weeds burned down to nothing the baccy falls through the pipe into the water and you dont need a pokie thing


Well-Known Member
Sounds good mate - am watching some vids on youtube at the moment, there's plenty of home made bongs on there LOL. Will definitely give it a go. Right man sorry but I'm gonna hit the sack as I'm knackered after all today's excitement. Will no doubt speak to you tomorrow OK? Enjoy the rest of your evening UK. Catch you later mate ;)


Well-Known Member
Just popping in. Had more family "issues" on Monday, so after Sunday's excitement (detailed above) my head is more than a bit screwed up, plus I got a stinking cold, but coming round gradually LOL.

Glad to report the girls are doing well. Have had a thorough drenching over the last couple of days, but today was good, plenty of sunny spells and no rain, so they've been enjoying themselves. If it's nice tomorrow I'll get a few pics up if I can be bothered ;) Will pop back tomorrow and get round all your journals and see how it's going for you all. Bye for now ....